Walt Disney Art Classics Convention 2004 - Part 2,

Walt Disney Art Classics Convention 2004 - Part 2
Page 26 of 33

Walt Disney with the Mouseketeers

Bobby spoke of watching Walt do his filmed introductions for the Disneyland television program. They would gaze into the darkened studio and see him in a spot of light. “He was like everybody’s uncle,�? said Bobby, “Just a nice man.�?

O’Day asked if Bobby recalled seeing Disney’s World’s Fair attractions. Bobby said he had, during an appearance with Lawrence Welk. He got to see all four of the Disney attractions.

Lorraine Santoli’s book about the Mickey Mouse Club was next mentioned by O’Day. He showed a slide of Walt Disney’s original hand written memo about the program, reproduced in the book. He read the contents:

Walt’s handwritten thoughts about his “kid show�?
Click here for a much larger version of this picture

“Kid Show

Mickey Mouse Club

-- Club house at Disneyland

-- Enter club through cave—up hollow tree to tree house

-- Parable of the talents

-- Contests

-- Prizes

-- Reenact famous events in history with club members acting roles

-- Members suggest ideas for club house

-- Famous men suggest ideas for club, re: Eisenhower

-- Club song

-- Outstanding club talent to go on Disneyland show

-- Tour country with club show�?

O’Day concluded the reading by saying, “He was very involved in this, wasn’t he?�?

Bobby readily agreed. He mentioned the five “theme�? days. He recalled especially liking Fun with Music Day (Monday). And he enjoyed Talent Round Up (Friday), with the little horses. Sherry mischievously pointed out the exception to that was at the Club’s 25 year reunion.

Sherry and Bobby share a laugh.