Forever Magical - Aug 30, 2000

Forever Magical
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Nina next to the 45th anniversary map

Several mistakes crept into the project when it was given to an outside company for the type layout. The map didn’t come back after this step and went into production with the errors. Once the errors, including the wrong date for Disneyland’s opening, were uncovered the maps were pulled from the shelves immediately.

Today the map creation process is more computerized and thanks to bigger computers it is easier to work with the large graphic files. However sometimes, when they would be adjusting the line work to the color work, they’d cross their fingers as they hit save.

Nina’s desk in Imagineering is near John Hench and in the first proof she noticed a little teeny color off. And she told a co-worker she felt no one would ever notice but me. So she took it over to Hench and he noticed it immediately. She had the problem corrected.

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Terri Hardin

Terri Hardin is character that once you see her, you'll never forget her. Terri began her career at Disney working at Walt Disney Imagineering for ten years. She made her in her talk to invite everyone to contact her with ideas. "If you have an idea don’t stop sharing it because as a collectible sculptor I’m here for you. If you have something you want please let me know [email protected], she said.

Terri next talked about her illusive map - the bas relief puzzle map of Disneyland she created that had been on display at the Gallery. The map won’t be released as part of the Disneyland 45th celebration but as expected but keep an eye out for it.  A relief, Terri explains, pushes out from flat, and since each land is done separately they fit together like a puzzle. Among the attractions featured is Storybook Land because she learned it was Walt’s Favorite and she kept images of the old Tomorrowland due to collectors feedback. When you view the completed pieces together they look just as Disneyland would from the air and it is about 16 X 20.

Terri first makes a rough creation of the piece in clay. The details are not there but the masses are. Then a rough mold is created and she finishes her pieces in wax. Originally they were going to have each land available separately but so many want all the pieces she is not sure how it will be sold. She showed off the wax of her "Jewels of the Park" Dumbo which sold out before she sculpted him.

Terri explained that her stuff tends to get a limited run and she destroys her molds after a run has been completed. She values the word “limited-edition”. If she has created a Peter Pan ship item and you see another Peter Pan ship later you can be assured that those will not be the same item.

Terri also told a wonderful story about working at Walt Disney Imagineering. The dragon in the castle was not originally going to be animated but Terri felt it should be. She was allotted a 15 minute with Walt Disney Imagineering Vice-President of Creative Development Tony Baxter to explain to him why it should be animated. The video clip below is Terri telling the story of her meeting with Baxter.

In summing up her art Terri said, “I have trouble eating, sleeping but I don’t have trouble sculpting. I am anal about detail.” Many commented than her Jewels of the Park were so detailed you thought you could step into them and ride the attraction.

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-- Rebekah Moseley
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Forever Magical: Rebekah's recollections on Disney events of the past - both distant and recent - proving that Disney will always remain forever magical.

Forever Magical is posted on the fourth Wednesday of each month.

-- Posted August 30, 2000
-- Pictures and video by Doobie Moseley, Rebekah Moseley and Dave Mastanich

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