An Open Letter to Disney For Making a Magic Moment

Lyn, was was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s at the age of 40 visited Disneyland. Her sister posted an open letter to Disney regarding their experience:

How do I adequately thank you for the gift you gave my sister Lyn in her recent visit?  You gave her a moment that enchanted her and that paused time around her.  You gave my Mom and me a memory that we will keep for her for the rest of our lives.  You see, my sister has Early On-set Alzheimer’s and is rapidly loosing her ability to remember basic skills, names or memories laid down in her own recent history.  She’s long spoken about wanting to visit Disneyland and we were able to make that happen earlier this month.  You, dear Disney, made the rest happen and, for that, we are deeply grateful

You can read the full letter here.