The Fabulous Disney Babe - Dec 14, 2001

The Fabulous Disney Babe
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A few weeks ago, there was a special Walt's Birthday dinner at the Club, which took place over two nights so that everyone who wanted to could celebrate. On the first night, Imagineer Bob Gurr spoke, as well as Mouseketeers Bobby Burgess and Sharon Baird. I got there late due to an accident on 101, and kept calling the Club and telling them I was on my way. As soon as I got there, I was trotted to my table, as salad had just been served. It was very artistic, wrapped in a curled lavosh and served with raspberry viniagrette and candied walnuts. As I caught my breath and was introduced around the table a chocolate martini magically appeared at my side. I love Disney.

The main course was chicken and shrimp with a fluffy fois gras, and dessert a nice little jasmine crème brulee. The three guest speakers talked about their experiences with Walt; if you ever see Bobby Burgess, ask him about the last time he saw Walt. It's his story to tell, and it's a wonderful one. (For information on personal appearances by Mouseketeers - NEVER "former Mouseketeers", there's no such thing!) try, a great Mouseketeer fan site. Sharon's daughter had just gotten married, so she was very happy.

Bobby Sherman was also there that night, and we talked about his Disneyland model, which he updates every year, and his work as an EMT during the September 11 attacks and their aftermath. Look for pictures of his Disneyland in a future column (Fab crosses her fingers).

We left in groups, according to our table (we were seated at long banquet tables instead of the usual 2-10 tops) and met a Guest Relations Cast Member downstairs, who took us on an abbreviated version of the Walk in Walt's Footsteps tour. We learned quickly that they were not Tour Guides, but had great fun anyway. She joked that the spikes on the posts in New Orleans Square were to keep the Annual Passholders out of Club 33, and told us Walt's father was also named Walt. (I know, don't email me) She was, however, wonderfully nice, and we knew we were in for quite a treat. We got to Town Square and waited our turn, then headed backstage and up the back stairs to Walt's apartment above the Fire Station on Main Street.

The last time I was up there, it was also Christmas, so I've never seen the famous "always-lit" lamp yet from inside; the tiny Christmas tree like the one Lillian kept takes its place every Christmastime. The Tom and Jerry set was still there, but the baby bottles were gone. Man, I want a shower like that: it has four shower heads in a straight line up the end of the stall. The music cylinders are still there, behind the cushions of Lillian's fold-out couch/bed, with Walt's handwriting still on them. Some people took pictures before being cautioned to not take any photos inside the apartment, as it was a backstage area. No, I didn't take any...(stupid goody goody follow the rules no picture in Walt's apartment Fab!) Next time, I'm putting someone on the street below with a camera, and I'm going to look out and wave.

Afterward, we moved over to the Walt Disney Story, where they were serving coffee, tea, cocoa and Tom and Jerry's, a wonderful hot Christmas drink with rum, brandy, rum, rum, brandy, rum, hot water, nutmeg, vanilla, brandy and rum. There were also cookies and a beautifully-decorated birthday cake. Dave Smith was there to talk about Walt's offices and answer questions, and people admired the wonderful film about Walt that now plays in the pre-show. We had gotten goody bags as well: a box of character cookies, patriotic antenna ball, and a nice acrylic paperweight inscribed with the Club logo and a quote from Walt: "In bad times and good, I have never lost my sense of zest for life." and his logo signature.

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In between the two events, I spent half of a day at Downtown Disney, getting ideas for Christmas presents. At Build-a-Bear, I learned officially that "Disney Princess" costumes are coming for the bears and beasts next year. That should be a hoot. I also learned that Russ, Rene and Mark are the "best guys in the whole world", and that there are now golf outfits and bags with clubs available. At Basin, Angela and I discussed stocking stuffers and gifts for my ever-traveling sister, who sets up Petco stores all over the nation, and she gave me a "hand facial". Come to the store when it's not too busy and try one out. It's heavenly. She tried the sugar scrub on one hand and the salt scrub on the other. I liked the Salt Scrub better, and my hands were lemony-scented for hours and soft for days. The best part was that I felt pampered and relaxed, which is a nice plus this time of year. I kept seeing, especially at HoyPoloi, presents that would be perfect for my brother. Unfortunately, Jim died almost two years ago, so he has no place to put anything I'd buy for him. In Illuminations, I saw some incense and a light bulb turned on: he loved incense, so on Christmas I'd burn some of his favorite and think lovely thoughts of him, as I was lucky enough to have him as a best friend as well as a brother.

In Marceline's, they have M&M mixes that represent different Disney characters: Pooh, Mickey, Tigger. It gave me another idea: what other characters could you represent in that way? Send me your ideas; the best gets a mention here and a pound of their character mix.

-- Fab

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-- Michelle Smith

Michelle Smith can be reached using the Talkback form below or by emailing her at [email protected].

The Fabulous Disney Babe's column is posted every Friday and when ever else she has something to say. For more on Michelle's background, see her first column. She also offers The Fabulous Tour: Disneyland Secrets and Stories. Click here for more information.

The opinions expressed by our Michelle Smith, and all of our columnists, do not necessarily represent the feelings of or any of its employees or advertisers. All speculation and rumors about the future plans of the Walt Disney Company are just that - speculation and rumors - and should be treated as such.

-- Posted December 14, 2001

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