An Interview with Actor Daniel Roebuck,

An Interview with Actor Daniel Roebuck
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by Doobie Moseley
August 18, 2000
Daniel Roebuck stars in The Disney Channel original film Quints debuting August 18, 2000. Quints is the story of a 13 year old who's forced to share her parent's affections when they have quintuplets. Roebuck is also a Disneyland Annual Passholder and big Disney fan and collector.

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(c) Disney

Quints is the latest Disney Channel original movie. It's the story of a 13 year old who's forced to share her parent's affections when they have quintuplets. Quints stars Kimberly Brown as 13 year old Jamie Grover.

Quints premieres on The Disney Channel at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, August 18th. It can also be seen on August 19th (8:00 p.m.), August 20th (9:00 p.m.), August 22nd (2:00 p.m., 8:35 p.m.), August 24th (7:00 p.m.) and August 30th (8:40 p.m.)

The father in Quints is played by Daniel Roebuck. Roebuck is perhaps best known for portraying Jay Leno is the made-for-cable film The Late Shift. He's also known for his television (Matlock, Nash Bridges) and film work (River's Edge, U.S. Marshals). But many Disneyland fans know Roebuck from his frequent trips to the Magic Kingdom and Disney collectible shows. Roebuck was kind enough to talk with about Quints, Disney and more in a telephone interview. Tell me about Quints.

Daniel Roebuck: Well Quints is a movie about a 13 year old girl who is the center of her parents attention and it's driving her crazy. And one day she wishes that it wasn't the case and her wish comes true when she finds out her parents are having a baby - but in fact they're having five babies. And when the quintuplets are born she is no longer the center of attention and that's not a good thing either

LP: Who stars the film?

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DR: It's Kimberly Brown - a phenomenal actress. Perhaps some of your readers would've see Tumbleweeds the film for which Janet McTeer was nominated for an Academy Award. Tumbleweeds is the story of a mother and her daughter traveling across the country. Kimberly played the daughter and she was terrific. She really is absolutely one of the best - you can't even say young actor - she was good all the time. She's as good as any actor, doesn't matter if she's 13 or 14. And then the mother was played by Elizabeth Morehead. Elizabeth has been doing a lot of movies and a lot of TV. She was on Seinfeld I think one or two times. She was in Flipper the last year that they were making it in Australia. She plays the scatter-brained mother.

LP: And who do you play?

DR: The scatter-brained father (laughs). I'm the dad in the best Disney tradition. I'm working at trying to be a better dad and trying to be a better husband. Working a job and going to school at the same time. a little goofy. kind of like my real life.

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LP: And you are a father in real life?

DR: The father of two little children.

LP: Did this give you a little taste of what five might be like?

DR: It gave me a big taste and in fact proved to me that I won't be having any more children

LP: Oh really?

DR: (laughs) My wife knew it was going to happen. She knew that once we got on the set and - we had 20 or 21 babies, I think, playing the five babies because they age in the movie. So we had babies for newborns, babies for 3 months, babies for 6 months old. And those little kids were very cute. There are some actors, that kind of thing can confuse them. I'd much rather work with babies than dogs or something because I know how to talk to a baby. You just keep kissing them. But that part of the shoot was a little strange and difficult.

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