Forever Magical - Mar 28, 2001

Forever Magical
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My least favorite parade moment was the finale. Not only was it the end of the parade, but also I just didn’t like the eagle, flag and fireworks. It didn’t fit right to me. I was wrapped up in fairy tales and such and then all of sudden it was the Fourth of July. It was even more odd for me ‘cause usually the fireworks followed our viewing of the parade.

The final night of the Main Street Electrical Parade at Disneyland my parents arrived early in the day to begin reserving us seats. I arrived after work. I wasn’t sure I’d even get in because they had had to close the gates to additional guests early on previous days. I bought a pair of big white Mickey gloves and attached a blinking MSEP button to the palm. I waved to each and every performer as the passed by and periodically wiped away a tear. As the final float passed by I stood up and joined the large group of people in following the parade. So many others joined the procession that I was pushed into the large black man in front of me. As we both apologized I realized that I’d met him a few weeks earlier. Yep, it was Doobie. I tried to stay close to him and his group of friends because the crowd was a bit overwhelming and it was nice to see familiar faces.

As we passed each zone the growing crowd would speak the final words along with with announcer - “Disneyland’s Main Street Electrical Parade.” Then the audience would cheer and the lights would come back on. Finally the American eagle disappeared behind the fence near "it’s a small world". After a few moments the crowd began an impromptu serenade beginning with "Na, Na, Hey, Hey, Hey, Goodbye" and ending with the Mickey Mouse Alma Mater. After saying farewell to this Disneyland tradition I was introduced Rick West of Theme Park Adventure magazine (it was Brake Zone back then) and his friend, Bobby Barber who now runs We shared a bit about how much we going to miss the parade although, as I recall, Doobie had more of a good riddance attitude.

Now fast forward to October 1999, Doobie and I are vacationing at Walt Disney World. The Electric Light Parade, as I kept hearing it called there, was part of the nighttime entertainment. We got there early and sat along the curb in front of Main Street’s Emporium. As the parade rounded the bend and passed along in front of us I must admit that I was underwhelmed. I’m not sure why exactly. I’m guessing that it was a collection of things. The fact that Main Street is so much bigger than Disneyland’s and therefore the floats seemed much smaller than I remembered and the floats didn’t seem as bright which I’m guessing is because the street is wider and so we were seated farther from them. Maybe I had seen what could be done with fiber optics thanks to Light Magic. I’m not sure, but the parade I had loved and adored felt old. Now Walt Disney World is preparing to say farewell (again) to the Main Street Electrical Parade. Will it come back to Disneyland? Only time will tell. I am torn over the issue. It will always be a treasured memory of trips to Disneyland as a youth - I don’t know if it could ever measure up to those memories again.

Related Links

  • March 28 Editor's Report
    A reprint of an article written right after the final Main Street Electrical Parade at Disneyland.

-- Rebekah Moseley
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Forever Magical: Rebekah's recollections on Disney events of the past - both distant and recent - proving that Disney will always remain forever magical.

Forever Magical is posted on the fourth Wednesday of each month.

-- Posted March 28, 2001

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