LuminAria Opening Caremonies,

LuminAria Opening Caremonies
Page 4 of 9

LuminAria Pictures - Page 1
Next LuminAria was performed for the media and other gusts in the park. Some notes: The performance did not match the performances we saw on Saturday and Sunday nights. One of the sections early on was not present. We've been told by other guests that other segment changes have been made as well, but at this point we haven't pinned down exactly what they are and whether or not they're permanent changes. The finale also has new fireworks. At the very end, just prior to all of Paradise Pier lighting up, there's a big blast that makes it clear the show is over. In earlier performances, without that blast, guests didn't seem to be quite sure if the show was over or not. Unfortunately the video screens - while they did come up as they should - did not display images or video during this performance. After the show they did display cards on them while the exit music played - something that we first noticed in Wednesday's performance. From all apperances, LuminAria still has some tweaking to go through, so stay tuned...

The pages that follow are some pictures from the November 15th performance. For a more detailed look at LuminAria including lots of video, see our November 13th detailed report.

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