Forever Magical - Nov 12, 2001

Forever Magical
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There were pictures of various holiday images like snowmen, menorahs, and wreaths. There was even one family that simply wrote Merry Christmas from their family. I don’t recall the family name but I thought that it was great. Can you imagine being able send to message to loved ones like a simple I love you or even propose with all those guests watching? But the holiday card aspect of the show lets the guests create the show’s memories not only for you but also for others as you share your dreams and favorite memories. One of my favorite images was a small red and green present against the large white backdrop. I don’t know what the artist was thinking but I thought about how important it is give to our friends even if it is something small and plain because we treasure even the smallest things when they are given with love. I also thought of my little picture of the magical place where I met my husband and became even more determined to remember to bring it back and submit it so it might be part of the show. I wondered what my little card would mean to someone else. I know for my friends they’d know who had drawn it and why but I wondered what memory it might spark in the others sitting around the Bay. Just like the little red and green present. I don’t know who the artist is but they reminded me of something important through their simple work.

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This sequence faded into a film of children dancing amongst falling animated snowflakes, which I recognized from Fantasia. Looking at the smiling faces I thought of Alice’s suggestion for adding the hearts to my pictures. I thought of how much fun I had making the card, settting aside my insecurities and just being a child and simply drawing from the heart. What if the person who drew the little red and green present or any of the other drawings that I enjoyed so much had not taken the time to share their dream or memory? I know it was a little thing, just a drawing, but in listening to the song and seeing the drawings I was reminded how one person can make a difference. How a single light can illuminate great distances on a dark night. How a simple smile or hello can alter another’s day. Through LuminAria I was reminded that we each can carry the feeling of the holidays..peace, joy and hope throughout the year with our individual efforts. We each have the power to make our own area of the universe a little brighter place to be. LuminAria gave me a sneak peek at what wonderful world it is when we each share our light.

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-- Rebekah Moseley
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-- Pictures and video by Dave Mastanich, Marc Borrelli, Kim Petersen, Rebekah Moseley and Doobie Moseley

Forever Magical: Rebekah's recollections on Disney events of the past - both distant and recent - proving that Disney will always remain forever magical.

Forever Magical is not published on a regular schedule.

-- Posted November 12, 2001

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