Reliving Fond Memories - Jul 23, 2004

Reliving Fond Memories
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The Mystery Box.

I forced myself to walk through the land the other day. The emptiness was very depressing. It felt like the morning after a fun party. Closed venues, empty lagoons, the only thing remaining are the constant visual of the ODV and pin traders. The atmosphere has withered.

What does that do?

What happened? After the failure of the New Tomorrowland, it seems the place had been forgotten. (IMHO, the update should have been different. Since DL opened in 1955, Tomorrowland should look like The Jetsons 50’s future. Self cleaning houses and stainless steel pets. All boomerangs and kidney bean shapes; a confident, atomic future.) This is sad, because there is so much possibility here.

When the new Buzz Lightyear attraction opens, it will bring in more people. But the land needs more than an MBA cloned attraction; the atmosphere must come back. I miss the gleaming white in the summer afternoon. Tomorrowland was a place where the future was fresh, exciting, and science was fun. It’s not about speed, it’s about optimism. Perhaps I’ve lost that faith in the future, and I miss it.

A welcome echo from the past.

I miss Tomorrowland, and hope for a speedy return in time for the 50th.

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-- David Mink

Reliving Fond Memories is normally posted the third Wednesday of each month.

The opinions expressed by our David Mink, and all of our columnists, do not necessarily represent the feelings of or any of its employees or advertisers. All speculation and rumors about the future plans of the Walt Disney Company are just that - speculation and rumors - and should be treated as such.

-- Posted July 23, 2004


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