Studios Arena Presentation at the D23 Expo 2011,

Studios Arena Presentation at the D23 Expo 2011
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by Doug Marsh
September 1, 2011
Doug details the Walt Disney Studios presentation at the 2011 D23 Expo which featured upcoming films from Pixar, Walt Disney Animation Studios and live action Disney with lots of celebrity appearances.

One of the more eagerly anticipated events at the D23 Expo is the big presentation by the Walt Disney Studio. Held in the massive Expo Arena, the Saturday morning presentation quickly filled to capacity, leaving many guests scrambling to find alternative events. A screening procedure that saw everyone deprived of recording devices (even cell phones) delayed the 10:30 start time. Finally the lights dimmed, the music swelled, and the somewhat predictable montage filled the screens across the front of the arena.

It's always interesting to see what the Walt Disney Company will choose to emphasize in a montage. With over 80 years of material to draw from, the first question is whether the montage will look deep into the past, or keep the focus on more recent product. For 2011, the emphasis was on recent films.

It is also interesting to note what garners the biggest reaction from the decidedly partisan crowd. Some of the cheers were predictable, as when Johnny Depp's Captain Jack Sparrow strutted across the screen. Other fan favorites, based on the reaction, included Pixar's upcoming Brave and Monsters University, Tim Burton's Frankenweenie, the much loved Muppets, and last year's TRON: Legacy. But by far, the biggest whoops and hollers were reserved for a group of clips depicting heroes. Superheroes. Specifically, Iron Man, Captain America, and the upcoming Avengers, which received the biggest crowd reaction of them all.

The lights came up as Disney Studio head Rich Ross strode onto the stage. As he welcomed the crowd, he said, "Like you, I am one of Disney's biggest fans You are the reason we do what we do." He recalled that a childhood trip to the movies to see Mary Poppins in 1964 had made him a fan for life. He began the day's look at upcoming films with the words, "When you dream big and encourage those around you to do the same, the possibilities are boundless."

The presentation began with what Ross termed the heart and soul of the Walt Disney Company, animation. He pointed out that the Company was celebrating a pair of animation milestones: Disney's 50th animated classic, Tangled, and Pixar's 25th anniversary. To present the division's new films, Ross introduced a man he termed "a true visionary," John Lasseter. As the Pixar head took the stage, the enthusiastic crowd rose to their feet in a standing ovation.