Mickey's 75th Birthday at Disneyland,

Mickey's 75th Birthday at Disneyland
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Minnie and pals appear down the path between Mickey and Minnie's house carrying balloons and presents. Chip N Dale have a birthday cake. 

Daina: Here they come now. Hello, Minnie Mouse. Hi Goofy, glad you could make. Oh, there’s Donald Duck. Chip 'n' Dale are over there. Oh! and Pluto, too. Let's all give them a big wave to say "hello!" "Can we wave hello to them? Hi. Hello. Its so good to see you.

Minnie Mouse: Hello, everybody! I'm so glad you could all join us to celebrate Mickey's birthday! Isn't this exciting? I can hardly wait for us to surprise him!

Daina: Oh we think so too Minnie. And look you brought a birthday cake!

Minnie Mouse: Oh yes! I got up extra early this morning and went into my kitchen and baked it myself! It's one of Mickey's favorites, she giggles.

The group: Mmmm!

Daina: Well, it looks delicious!

Minnie Mouse: Mickey does deserve the best. you know. He's such a sweetheart and he's so handsome ... and funny... and talented... and kind... and... ahhhh

Daina: Well, we all think he’s great Minnie that’s why we're here— to wish him a happy birthday!

Minnie Mouse: Oh, of course! Let's go ring his doorbell! Everybody ready? Come on, gang! Goofy, Donald, Chip 'n' Dale, Pluto, come on. Shhh!!! Pluto, try and stay quiet. No barking, now.

Mickey Mouse (from inside the house): Four score and seven years ago! Peter Piper picked a peck o' pickled peppers! She sells she…no, uh…Sea sells no, She sells sea shells by the seashore! Whew... that's a toughy...Try saying that five times fast.

Mickey's doorbell sounds - it sounds like the final bars of the Mickey Mouse Club march - M-O-U-S-E.

Mickey Mouse responds from inside: Uh, hello? Who's there?

Minnie Mouse: Yoo-Hoo! Mickey! It's me! 

Mickey Mouse: Me? Me who?

Minnie Mouse: It's Minnie, silly!

Mickey Mouse: Ha ha! Aww... I knew it was you Minnie. I was just kiddin'. I’ll be right there!

We hear Mickey walking through his house stumbling over things. 

Mickey Mouse (talking to himself): Ooo... uh...whoa! Boy, that was close! (Ha ha!) Gosh, I gotta do some pickin' up around here...

Mickey continues walking and apparently steps on a squeaky toy.

Mickey Mouse: Ha ha! So that's where Pluto left his toy! (Calls out to door: ) Hey, uh... almost there!

Singers: O.K. get ready

The door creaks opens.

Everyone: SURPRISE!!!!