Studios Arena Presentation at the D23 Expo 2011,

Studios Arena Presentation at the D23 Expo 2011
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As the director and cast of Wreck-It Ralph moved off the stage, Lasseter returned to discuss Pixar's next film, the much anticipated Brave. Mention of the film; set to open on June 22, 2012, brought cheers from the crowd.

Lasseter described Brave in terms of firsts: Pixar's first fairy tale, first period piece, and first female lead, as well as first in a Scottish setting. After a clip was shown, Lasseter described the main characters.

The lead is Princess Merida, a headstrong young woman at odds with her mother, Queen Elinor. Further complicating her life is her father, King Fergus, and three contentious Lords, MacIntosh, MacGuffin, and Dingwall, each of whom wishes to pair his son with the princess. Providing comic relief are Merida's three pesty little brothers, the triplets. Also figuring prominently are the mysterious lights, the Will O' the Wisps, which lead Merida to the hut of the Witch Woman, and eventually her destiny.

Bringing these characters to life are director Mark Andrews and producer Katherine Sarafian. Both were brought onto the stage, director Andrews in a kilt. Andrews began by pointing out that footage shown during the presentation had never been shown in public before, and much never would be again. He was particularly proud to announce the voice cast.

Playing Merida is Scottish actress Kelly MacDonald. King Fergus is Billy Connally, and Queen Elinor is Emma Thompson. Julie Walters is the Witch. The three battling Lords are Craig Ferguson (MacIntosh), Robbie Coltrane (Dingwall), and Kevin McKidd (who plays MacGuffin, both father and son).

Rather than merely talk about the actors, Andrews and Sarafian brought out two of the stars, Kelly MacDonald and Kevin McKidd. After greeting the enthusiastic crowd, the pair said it wouldn't be D23 without another exclusive clip. The crowd was implored to keep the contents of the complete scene a secret, though. The reward: a Brave poster, to be collected at the end of the event.

A Brave mini-poster was given to every member of the crowd.