An Invasive Species and An Invasive Talent Make Up This Week’s Episode of “Kiff”

After a brief hiatus, Kiff is back with new episodes, rounding out their first season. And this week, we’re realizing some new hidden talents that Kiff possesses, as well as a fun situation caused by Kiff and her dad.

Kiff Is Good at Sports

In one of the more hilarious single moments of the series thus far, Kiff and Barry sign up for a school activity with haste – Discus – which they both immediately misconstrue as “Discuss,” thinking they were signing up for a group that celebrates the art of discussion.

Boggled by the fact that they are required to discuss things outside on the sports field, they still go to see what’s going on. Of course, it’s the track and field team with Principal Secretary leading the group.

Kiff is handed the Discuss/Discus, and then realizes there is a misunderstanding but runs off with the Discus. Understanding that they don’t want to play, as Kiff runs off, Principal Secretary asks for the Discus back – which Kiff throws with perfect form. Barry, however, is not doing nearly as well.

Kiff becomes the star of the track meet with her Discus abilities, blasting a hole through the school’s scoreboard and getting a chanting escort home. Principal Secretary now has a taste of victory – and getting the school’s first trophies for their trophy case.

Miss Deer Teacher knows the kids are excited, but reminds them that they have a book report they must do. At the same time, Principal Secretary holds a pep rally to get the kids excited about their upcoming victory against Tuft Pierre, and tells the students he spent half the school’s budget on a new trophy case. The other half went to a stunning statue depicting Kiff launching a discus.

While at first she seemed to like the attention and praise, this has all become a bit overwhelming for our titular squirrel. And now, the book reports are due and she forgot all about it. Miss Deer Teacher gives her an A even without doing anything – she’s a jock now, after all.

This causes her to run out of the classroom screaming to find P.S. and quit the team. She wants to be recognized for the other awesome things she does. Distraught while polishing his new mahogany trophy case, P.S. pleads for her to come back, to no avail.

Alas, it is now time for the track meet and we see a montage between Table Town and Tuft Pierre, leading up to the tie breaker event of Discus, when a ringer is brought in by Tuft Pierre. Despite Helen’s best attempts to rouse the crowd, and Barry’s best attempt to play, Kiff jumps in and says she wants an F on that book report and launches the discus one last time. The discus destroys her statue, and flies through town destroying the trophy case, and into the skies above, passing a nice Slim Pickins callback in the process.

Table Town beats Tuft Pierre, but Kiff is still over the whole sports world, demanding that she stay on the ground for this victory, compared to earlier when the students carried her throughout the rest of her day chanting her name.


It’s Saturday – a day that Kiff and her dad take care of the backyard. It's a precision ritual that they have, but this week they forgot to clear behind the shed. Looks okay though, and they put it off until next Saturday. The next week, the same thing happens, and so on and so forth for a few more weeks.

It’s time for Baryl’s professor barbecue, and she wants to use the area behind the shed for the grill, and her daughter and husband have put it off once again. This time, they know they need to go clean it and head out back to discover that the area has been taken over by an invasive species of biting mushroom.  The mushrooms, of course, talk, and they explain that they aren’t going anywhere.

The father daughter duo attempts to take the lawn mower to the mushrooms, but they have overheard them conspiring and are now moving to take over the whole backyard – and destroying the lawnmower in the process. This leads to an all out ground war between Martin, Kiff, and the Mushrooms, until the whole backyard is nearly taken over. Kiff decides to call a fellow nerd for help and reaches out to Reggie to ask him what he knows about biting mushrooms.

They are running out of time as Baryl shows up with the food, ready for the barbecue. It’s a good thing that Kiff got the hot tip from Reggie that the mushrooms hate smooth jazz. As such, she and her father blast music from the windows above to torment the mushrooms away. As they are nearly pushed away, the mushrooms bring out their fungus cannon and shoots the speakers down, destroying them.

Now, it’s too late. The barbecue guests have arrived right on time. After all, they are all middle-aged professors. Baryl is devastated to see that the yard is full of the mushrooms, but the professors are all fascinated and want to learn more about the mushrooms.

The mushrooms flock to them, and are stunned by the warm welcome they are receiving. However, they are an invasive species, they can’t stay where they’re welcome. It’s off to the airport to find some place else to go. Despite the days events, Baryl’s colleagues were impressed with the team-building inspired by the BBQ, and deemed it the best BBQ ever. It seems that procrastination has led to everything coming together with a nice little bow on top. And that’s the most important lesson of all.

This episode of Kiff is now available on Disney Channel and the DisneyNOW app. You can catch up with earlier episodes of Kiff streaming now on Disney+.

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Tony Betti
Originally from California where he studied a dying artform (hand-drawn animation), Tony has spent most of his adult life in the theme parks of Orlando. When he’s not writing for LP, he’s usually watching and studying something animated or arguing about “the good ole’ days” at the parks.