Comic-Con Day 2 Disney Highlights

Comic-Con Day 2 Disney highlights from @figgy999

  • The day started with a scavenger hunt throughout San Diego’s Gaslamp District. The Avengers Second Screen app would give participants clues to locations after completing puzzles. Upon going to the location you would find S.H.I.E.L.D. agents guarding locations with caution tape that had a code printed on it. That code would unlock the next puzzle. The final location was a schwarma restaurant where folks that completed the hunt were given a wristband for a screening of Item 47 later that evening.
  • The screening began with a special video introduction from Robert Downey Jr. from the bathroom on the set of Iron Man 3. Item 47, a short on the Avengers Blu-Ray, got a great reaction from the crowd. This was followed by a panel discussion with the cast and crew.
  • Upon exiting attendees were given an Item 47 poster and a card with a code  to access a special video on YouTube.
  • Saw a screening of ABC’s 666 Park Avenue staring Terry O’Quinn, Vanessa Williams, Rachel Taylor, and Dave Annable. It was spooky and intriguing. Will air Sunday nights at 10 on ABC
  • The Tron: Uprising panel also showcased other Disney XD animated shows including Motocity and Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja.
  • At Marvel’s Cup ‘O Joe panel they announced titles spinning out of their Avengers vs. X-Men event: “A+X”, “AvX: Consequences”, “A-Babies vs. X-Babies”, and “Marvel NOW! Point One” which will kick off the new era in Marvel comics.