ABC’s “The Conners” Celebrates 100 Episodes (Against All Odds)

Tonight, The Conners will air its 100th episode. It’s quite a milestone for a show that started as a quickly-assembled spin-off that has since survived a worldwide pandemic and a dual strike. Along the way, the series has gained some new cast members and lost some other regulars, but what made it a hit in the first place remains intact. In fact, I’d say the show has improved since its awkward inaugural season. Now, 100 episodes in, The Conners continues to turn tragedy into sitcom fodder.

Titled “Smash and Grab and Happy Death Day,” the 100th episode might sound ominous. The first part of that title is a reference to a storyline where Ben’s hardware story is robbed by a mob of young people — one of whom is captured by Dan and Jackie. But what’s the “Death Day” part of the episode? I’ll leave that for viewers to find out for themselves.

With that said, the milestone episode of The Conners does honor not only to its own past but also to the series that came before it: Roseanne. While this is far from the first time the show has referenced the matriarch (who was killed off for this series), other characters from the past find their way into this touching tribute. And while I complained about some of the acting early on in The Conners’ run, I have to say that Lecy Goranson gives a great performance here.

Just like The Conners themselves, The Conners has had its ups and downs over the years. Nevertheless, the show has remained a staple of my weekly television viewing. Even as things change, the program managed to feel as comfy as the family’s well-worn couch and as warm as the patterned afghan that adorns it. At times, it can feel as though the characters might never get ahead — yet, through it all, they never lose their sense of humor.

Surely that dynamic was at play 100 episodes ago when The Conners nearly never was. After a blockbuster return with Roseanne, a single tweet derailed that momentum in an instant. But, while some likened The Conners’ emergence to a zombie that would soon meet its end, it’s proven to be more of a Phoenix than anything.

So what’s ahead for The Conners? In an interesting twist, reruns of the show are airing in primetime on the CW whilst new episodes continue to debut on ABC. On top of that, with the show now hitting that magic number of 100 episodes, it will begin airing in syndication this fall. As for a season 7 renewal, that has yet to come — but it’s still early.

Whether you’ve never seen an episode or you’re a weekly devotee, there’s no question that The Conners’ 100th episode is a milestone worth celebrating. So, if you’d like to be a little part of history, tune into ABC tonight… or watch tomorrow on Hulu.

Kyle Burbank
Kyle is a writer living in Springfield, MO. His deep love of Disney and other pop culture finds its way into several aspects of his life and work. In addition to his position at LP, he's also the head writer for as well as his own personal finance site