An Interview Tim O'Day,

An Interview Tim O'Day
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Artist Peter Ellenshaw with Tim O'Day at the
Walt Disney Art Classics Mini Convention

LP: Which brings me to my last set of questions, the Disney Auction project. Can you talk more about that?

O'Day: I just think that collectors will really really like it. Think about this Doobie, we’ve had almost 10 years of Disneyana conventions. We’ve had the two Art Classics Mini conventions, all the events at Disneyland. I’ve been involved with most of this. We have a great team of people at Disney Auctions. People who have been around the company a long time, worked in various divisions like I have and I think we have a great team together and I personally find it very exciting. And the things that they’re finding to put on the auction I think the collectors are really going to respond to. It’s going to be accessible to everyone. It is not just high end there will be a little bit fore everyone. Look for it in August or late summer and as more information comes out people should look for it on

LP: Can you say if it’s going to be auctions of memorabilia or items created specifically for Disney Auction or will people be able to auction off their own stuff?

O'Day: It will be what they call merchant to person auction so it’ll be items directly from Disney but it will be memorabilia, art collectibles, some limited edition. With the limited edition we will be able to handle some as a Dutch auction. There will be some items specifically done just for the auction.

LP: That's all the questions I have, thank you very much. Is there anything else you’d like to add?

O'Day: I would say just keep up the passion. Like I said before I just love to watch everybody’s reaction. Have you ever stood out in the middle of Main Street at night and watched the audience watch the fireworks? You should do that some time. Or watch the audience as they’re watching Fantasmic!. To me that’s the kick. I think one of the best attractions here in the park are the guests themselves. On top of that….the crown jewels are the collectors. People who read LaughingPlace and all that. There is a passion there. Think about this, no other company has a dedicated following like Disney does. There aren’t conventions celebrating other companies but there is the Disneyana convention. It’s a great passion. It’s a fun passion. It’s fun to watch people collect. It’s fun to watch people enjoy the movies, the TV shows, the new attractions. See the excitement people have when a new film comes out. Me personally, I can’t wait to see Dinosaur. As a kid I loved dinosaurs. So for the company I work for making a film about dinosaurs is pretty cool to me. But I’d say just keep up the passion because I think you’re amongst friends. It is a fun hobby to have.

LP: Thank you very much.

O'Day: You’re welcome.

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-- Interview by Doobie Moseley
-- Pictures by Doobie Moseley, Rebekah Moseley and Linda Yatsko
-- Posted May 18, 2000