Countdown to the D23 Expo!

Allow me to get on my soap box….

As we get ready for the D23 Expo, I am starting to get excited.  Yes, the D23 Expo will not be perfect…but it will have some great Disney moments that I can’t wait to be a part of.  And while I do research for my trip, there are some things that I have come across that have either made me proud or ashamed.  Indulge me, and allow me to share them with you.

1.       People seem to be complaining that there is a lot of things that will not appeal to core Disney fans such as the events at the Disney Channel Pavilion.  While I don’t expect every Disney fan to be a Disney Channel fan, I do take offense that those who enjoy Disney Channel are not true Disney fans.  Are 11 year olds not allowed to be Disney fans?  If I remember correctly, the Radio Disney exhibit of the Expo was packed last time.  Let these young Disney fans enjoy what was created for them.  Would you prefer that they were in line for the presentation you wanted to see?  Every offering adds capacity, and increases the chances of every guest being able to see what they want to see.  Just because a certain panel, exhibit, or activity is not for you doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be there.  The more there is to do at D23 the better the Expo is for everyone.

2.       I am very proud of how the Disney community has embraced ABC.  The last Expo was sort of a coming out party for ABC to the Disney fans.  When the D23 Expo schedule was first announced and there was little mention of ABC, many fans were upset  asking where they would be.  Since then, the Expo has added “Prep & Landing” and “Once Upon a Time” to the schedule showing that ABC is still a part of The Walt Disney Company.  Now if only ABC Family could have a bigger role to play.  (In fact I have seen this comment on several different Disney message boards).

3.       Enter Marvel!  Just like ABC, Marvel is taking advantage of introducing themselves to the Disney faithful.  Joe Quesada, Chief Creative Officer of Marvel Entertainment, will introduce the House of Ideas to a new audience.  There is also no doubt that Kevin Feige, who is a Disney fan and head of Marvel Studios, will “assemble” a great presentation as part of Rich Ross’s Arena show.  I know Marvel isn’t Disney.  It shouldn’t be.  But they share the same values of storytelling and a commitment to quality that align well with Disney.  I am working on a blog on the marriage of Marvel and Disney, but I think the D23 Expo will be a watershed moment in the relationship.

4.       Things that I would have liked to see a presentation on that have yet to be announced (and probably won’t be) Aulani, Tron: Uprising, Fantasyland Expansion, and Ultimate Spider-Man.

5.       All of this excitement really makes me wish the Expo was every year.  There is always something coming from The Walt Disney Company, it would be great if we could have a peek more frequently. 

6.       Still think Stan Lee should be a Disney Legend.

7.       Make the Expo 4 days again!

Anyways, I hope those attending the D23 have a great time.  I am sure there will be bumps in the road as with an event of this scale, but have fun no matter what happens.  Also discover some part of Disney that would had never been exposed to before.  Allow the Expo to broaden your horizons.