TV Review – “Peyton’s Places” on ESPN+

Peyton Manning is one of the greatest and most famous football players of all-time. He has hosted Saturday Night Live, appeared in countless commercials and, oh yeah, won a couple of Super Bowls. Now, he’s hosting his own series on ESPN+.

Peyton’s Places follows the NFL great round the country as he explores the history of the National Football League, one piece at a time. The first episode, titled “History of the QB,” features Peyton looking into some of the most famous quarterbacks in the game’s history.

Now, if that doesn’t sound interesting to you, it won’t be. This new series is really only for football fans. Sure, you may have a mild interest in the history around the sport and might enjoy the nostalgia of some of the old footage, but it doesn’t seem likely that will be enough to get you to come back for the next episode.

With that being said, if you ARE a football fan, you’ll probably really enjoy Peyton’s Places. It’s a great look into the history of the game. Whether you know all of this history or not (trust me, you don’t know everything Peyton tackled in this episode) it’s fun to look back at some of the greatest players in the history of the league and hear some of the great stories from their careers. Especially when you get to hear those stories right from those legendary players themselves.

Of course, it helps that it’s Peyton leading the show. The ex-quarterback is known for his sense of humor as much as he is for his arm. Some of the bits in the show are a little cheesy, but that’s always been part of Peyton’s charm. His combination of vast football knowledge and ability to keep things light and fun makes him the perfect host for this show. Plus, “Peyton’s Places” just sounds better than “Favre’s Locations” or “Elway’s Points of Interest.”

Overall, I would say Peyton’s Places is an enjoyable new series, but only for football fans. If you’re not a football fan, you can probably go ahead and skip it.

The first four episodes of Peyton’s Places are available now on ESPN+.

Mike Mack
Mack is the Editorial Director for Marvel and ESPN content and he has covered comic cons, theme park events, video game showcases and other fun events. He is a fan of theme parks, sports, movies, Marvel Comics and is a self-proclaimed "nerd."