Disney Springs Surveys Guests About New Policies

Today at Disney Springs we noticed Cast Members holding a sign with a website and QR code to take a survey. While the survey asked the typical guest experience questions, they added several questions regarding their COVID-19 policies and procedures.

What Did They Ask:

  • Thinking about your experience entering Disney Springs, from the time you arrived on-property until you went through the screening process was it…? (Excellent, Very Good, Good, Just Okay, Poor)
  • The following questions asked visitor to select Strongly Agree, Somewhat Agree, Neither Agree of Disagree, Somewhat Disagree, Strongly Disagree):
    • Requiring temperature checks for Guests prior to entry reassured me.
    • Requiring face coverings to be worn by Guests reassured me.
    • Requiring temperature checks for staff prior to entry reassured me.
    • Requiring face coverings to be worn by staff reassured me.
    • The physical barriers such as plexiglass at point-of-sale locations reassured me.
    • Limiting the number of people at Disney Springs and in both the retail and restaurant locations reassured me.
    • The number of hand-washing and hand sanitizer stations was sufficient.
    • I observed staff regularly cleaning and sanitizing.
    • Signs and markers made it easy to understand and navigate how to get where I wanted to go.
    • Signs and markers made it easy to maintain proper social distancing.
    • Other Guests wearing face coverings as required reassured me.
    • Other Guests maintaining proper social distancing reassured me.
    • The staff always wearing face coverings reassured me.
    • The staff maintaining proper social distancing reassured me.
    • The screening process to enter Disney Springs was efficient.
    • Maintaining a safe distance was easy in certain areas that were more congested or crowded.