New Perrier Cocktails and Mocktails Available With Free Gift at Disneyland Paris for a Limited Time

Those visiting Disneyland Paris will have the option of new cocktails and mocktails at Roland Garros for a limited time only. Not only that, there will be new menus at the kiosks for Cool Post, L'Arbre Enchanté, and Ice Cream Creations starting today.

What's Happening:

  • Discover the Sports Bar’s new Cocktails and Mocktails offer for Roland Garros, available until June 16.

  • Some of these mocktails include flavors like pineapple infused with cinnamon, pear puree, and cranberry nectar.
  • If you buy one of these Perrier cocktails or mocktails, you'll get a Perrier hat, cup, or sunglasses while supplies last.
  • Also, you will find the new menus for the kiosks, Cool Post, L'Arbre Enchanté, and Ice Cream Creations, starting today.

Planning a Trip?:

  • If you are wanting to plan a vacation check out our sponsor at Mouse Fan Travel to get you started.

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Tricia Kennedy
As a huge Disney fan Tricia enjoys having Walt Disney World basically in her backyard. When she's not at the theme parks she is either playing drums or with her dog Yoda. She is a lifelong Star Wars fan and has ridden Star Tours over 270 times.