TV Recap: “Will Trent” Season 2 Finale Finds the Special Agent Uncovering Angie’s Secret

The Season 2 finale of Will Trent connects back to a three-episode arc from Season 1 that guest-starred French Stewart as Lenny Broussard, Angie Polaski’s former abuser. Fans will recall that Angie’s support for Crystal began when she learned that Crystal was Lenny’s latest victim. When Crystal murdered her abuser, Angie took the fall under a self-defense claim. She had the best intentions, but it’s a secret that could ruin more than her career. And when the person who knows you best is Special Agent Will Trent, secrets don’t evade him easily.

(Disney/Daniel Delgado Jr.)

(Disney/Daniel Delgado Jr.)

Season 2, Episode 10 – “Do You See the Vision?” – Written by Liz Heldens & Kath Lingenfelter

Blake Turner (Michael Otis) is sitting in the woods with someone. We experience his last peaceful moments through the point of view of the killer. “You are so beautiful,” he tells them. They hand him a flask, and he drinks from it. The next thing we see is Blake’s dead body being dragged away from that spot on a picnic blanket.


(Disney/Daniel Delgado Jr.)

(Disney/Daniel Delgado Jr.)

Will Trent (Ramón Rodríguez) has purchased a dining table and chairs set, which he and Angie Polaski (Erika Christensen) unpack. Angie is going to sand and stain the table as a project while she continues to recover from her most recent back injury. Faith Mitchell (Iantha Richardson) stops over to tell Will that another dead man has been found with a toy in his mouth, just like the murder she and Michael began investigating in the previous episode.

Medical Examiner Pete Chin (Kurt Yue) is already on the scene in the woods when Will and Faith arrive. Blake Turner had been missing for four months, and his body had decomposed quite a bit. Inside of his mouth was a plastic watermelon armadillo toy.

Michael Ormewood (Jake McLaughlin), Faith, and Will have taken up residence in the GBI conference room for this investigation. Unlike the similar murders, Blake Turner was not a registered sex offender but was reported to be a creep based on interviews with those who knew him. Another common trend is that all of the men wore glasses, which were not on their bodies. Pete enters to announce that Blake had broken ribs. Will asks him to do a toxicology screening.

(Disney/Chris Reel)

(Disney/Chris Reel)


At Will’s house, Angie lays on the ground taking a break from sanding the table while Will inspects it. Betty climbs onto Angie’s chest and she comments about how the chihuahua feels heavier than she really is. Will suddenly has an epiphany, grabbing an art book off his shelf and leaving for work.

In the GBI conference room, Caroline (Christina Wren) projects an image of the painting Will wanted to show the team – “The Nightmare” by Henry Fuseli. It shows a creature sitting on the chest of a woman. Will talks about how this would slowly suffocate a person. Pete enters with the results of the toxicology screening. Blake had a muscle relaxant called cyclobenzaprine in his system. “This is how she does it,” Will declares, confident that the killer is a woman. He talks about one of the key differences between male and female serial killers, with women typically doing it out of revenge and staying to see the moment of death. Will suspects that the killer was hurt by a sexual predator when she was younger. “This is personal,” he adds. Will wants to figure out how the killer finds their victims.

Michael and Faith discovered bits of a red ticket with a star on two of the bodies. Michael takes them to the APD and asks if anyone recognizes it. An officer, Heather Olson (Bree Shannon), says it looks like the tickets from a roller rink called Moon and Stars, where Michael’s kids sometimes skate.

Journalist Luke Sullivan (Ser’Darius Blain) visits the GBI to talk to Faith. He has a scoop on a similar death just over the Alabama border and offers to take Faith there in exchange for a statement about the case that he can publish.

(Disney/Daniel Delgado Jr.)

(Disney/Daniel Delgado Jr.)

Will joins Michael at Moon and Stars, questioning an employee named Casey (Maya Lou Hlava). “This place is perv central,” she tells them, pointing to several men who are watching kids and teens skate around the rink while drinking beer. She points out one of them, Connor Bierce (Chad Martin), saying he brushes against her butt every time he comes in. When Connor goes to the restroom, Michael and Will follow him. They block his exit, and he tells them he’s faithful to his wife and that he has kids at the roller rink for a birthday party. Michael warns him not to touch Casey again or he’ll be back to give him trouble. Will notices an ad written with a sharpie on a tile in front of a urinal. It’s for a website called “Meet a Peach.”

At a diner in Alabama, Luke introduces Faith to a local cop (Brian Ashton Smith) who lets Faith look through the file of Roy Campbell, a truck driver who was found dead with a toy in his mouth. This death was more violent than the others, and Faith suspects it could’ve been the killer’s first. Another detail in Roy’s file stands out – a prescription for cyclobenzaprine. Also found on Roy’s body was a broken necklace with a strawberry pendant, which doesn’t seem to have been left as a calling card like the toys in mouths.


Connor Bierce has been murdered. Michael and Will look over his body in the morgue. A toy was found in his mouth. In the GBI conference room, Rocky Angelina (Adam Ignacio) has looked into Connor’s digital records and found that he was chatting with underage girls on “Meet a Peach.” His last one was with a user named “Strawberry Girl,” whom he made plans to meet. Will tells Rocky he will process a warrant so he can look into the account of “Strawberry Girl.”

Michael’s daughter Cooper (Jophielle Love) comes to work with him because she was sent home from school with a headache and tummy trouble. He sets her up in Will’s office, which is across the hall from Faith’s. As Amanda Wagner (Sonja Sohn) scolds Faith for the story Luke published about the case she’s working on, they overhear Cooper, who is in a lot of pain in her lower right abdomen. They realize that Michael needs to get her to the hospital quickly for an appendectomy.

With Rocky’s skills, Will and Faith are able to look through “Strawberry Girl”’s profile. She has a few photos of her body, none of which have any identifying freckles or tattoos. Will thinks her first victim was someone she got into a bad situation with, and she then became addicted to being a vigilante. While in their profile, they get a message from another user, “Daddy Time 72,” with a meeting location.

Will and Faith arrive at the place in the woods where “Strawberry Girl” was to meet “Daddy Time 72.” Shockingly, the person standing there is Angie, who looks distressed.

How did Angie get there? Through a flashback, we see what Angie was doing throughout the week while Will was working.


While Angie was sanding the new dining table, Amanda Wagner stopped by Will’s house to see her. Director Reynolds is considering recruiting Angie to the GBI. She has a month to apply.

(Disney/Daniel Delgado Jr.)

(Disney/Daniel Delgado Jr.)


During a regular dinner meet-up with her sponsor, fellow APD Officer Franklin (Kevin Daniels), Angie talks about how great everything is going with her life. After that, she joins Crystal (Chapel Oaks) at the meeting for sexual abuse survivors. Crystal talks about how she had a collection of toys, inanimate objects with faces, that she acquired through years of picking a prize from her dentist’s treasure chest. She once imagined that they were watching over her, protecting her while she slept. These were lined up on her shelf when she was raped by her mother’s boyfriend, and she would fixate on them each time it happened. After moving to Alabama, her mom’s new boyfriend turned out to be just like the last. “I had to hitchhike back to Atlanta all by myself,” Crystal ends her story.


Angie goes to the GBI to talk to Amanda, but on her way in, she sees “The Nightmare” projected on the screen in the empty conference room. She enters and reviews the victim boards, looking closer at the toys found in the mouths of the victims. They’re all inanimate objects with smiley faces. Angie remembers how Crystal killed her mother’s boyfriend, Lenny Broussard, the same man who raped Angie in her youth. Caroline interrupts Angie’s concentration, asking if she’s there to discuss joining the GBI. Angie says she has to go.

(Disney/Matt Miller)

(Disney/Matt Miller)

Crystal recently moved in with Angie’s sponsee, Joey (Charlie Besso), and Angie goes to his apartment. Crystal isn’t there and he hasn’t seen her that morning. Angie can’t get ahold of Crystal on the phone. She enters Crystal’s room, noticing a collection of eyeglasses (Crystal doesn’t wear glasses). Angie opens a drawer and finds a prescription bottle for cyclobenzaprine. Angie opens Crystal’s laptop and finds a browser open to “Meet a Peach.” She uses it to find the location of Crystal’s phone, which is in the woods.

(Disney/Chris Reel)

(Disney/Chris Reel)

“How did you find me?” Crystal asks Angie, who scares away the middle-aged man (Jason Vail) she was canoodling with. Angie tells Crystal she knows she’s been murdering these men. “They deserved it,” Crystal defends herself. She refuses to go with Angie, running away from her. Angie chases Crystal to a river. There’s a large boulder in the middle, and it looks like Crystal could use it as a stepping stone to get across. But after jumping, her foot lands on the slipper rock, and she flies forward, bashing her head against the rock. Crystal’s limp body slips into the rushing river. Angie runs along the river to a bank, jumping in to pull Crystal out. But it’s too late. She’s dead.

Angie walks back through the woods in a daze, crying. The next thing she knows, she’s on the other end of guns held by two GBI agents – Will Trent and Faith Mitchell.

Will and Faith bring Angie back to the GBI, sitting in Faith’s office. Angie explains how she felt responsible for Crystal’s abuse because she wasn’t able to get him locked up when she was younger. Will asks why Angie didn’t call him as soon as she realized something was up. “I didn’t think anything that crazy was going on,” Angie says. Faith doesn’t believe Angie, saying that she had to have known on some level that Crystal was capable of this. Will defends Angie and asks Faith for a few minutes alone with her. “I want to go home,” Faith tells him.


“Angie, what did you do?” Will asks the air around him in his office as he opens a banker box containing case files from Lenny Broussard. He spreads out the pictures taken around the house when Lenny was killed, reportedly by Angie in self-defense. Will spots a hole in Angie’s story since she didn’t have any scars on her arms, which she would’ve had if she was defending herself. “The trucker in Alabama wasn’t her first victim,” Will realizes aloud, recognizing that Crystal murdered Lenny and Angie protected her.

Crystal’s mother, Diane (Brittany Wilkerson), comes to the GBI to identify her daughter’s body. Will meets with her alone, refusing to let Faith help. Will reveals that he knows the truth about Lenny’s death. Diane tells him it was Angie’s idea to change the story. “I’m going to sue the Atlanta Police Department,” Diane says, “Everybody’s going to know what she did.” Will becomes angry with her, saying she knew Lenny was abusing Crystal and made no attempt to stop it.

(Disney/Matt Miller)

(Disney/Matt Miller)

Michael and his son, Max (Owen Trumbly), wait in a hospital room with Cooper, who just woke up from surgery. Gina (Sara Antonio) walks in, hugging her kids and telling them how much she misses them. After the happy reunion, Michael talks with Gina in the hallway. She tells him she’s feeling much better and feels like she’s found herself again. And then she drops a bomb on Michael – she is moving to Durham to be close to her parents, she is filing for divorce, and she is going to request full custody of the kids. “There’s no way in hell you’re taking my kids,” he promises.

Will reflects on his life with Angie. Their upbringing through the foster care system. Their teenage romance. A time before the love of his life covered up a murder. Perhaps that’s why the version of Angie he imagines sitting across from him is her teenage self (Savannah Hutson). “You let a killer go free; now five people are dead,” he tells young Angie about her future. “It sounds like you should arrest me,” she tells him. “I don’t know if I can do that,” Will responds.

Will goes down to the APD, finding Angie sitting at a table by the kitchenette. “Angela Polaski,” Will firmly announces, loudly enough to get everyone’s attention…

… “Let’s get married,” Will proposes. He has a ring already. He slips it on Angie’s finger. They leave for City Hall, all of Angie’s peers applauding…

…Will wheels a pregnant Angie down a hospital hallway. She’s going into labor…

… Will and Angie have two daughters, Lucinda and Harriet, and they take in a foster child, Cyril.

… Nico (Cora Lu Tran) joins the family at Betty’s funeral. Lucinda and Harriet gift their father a new puppy, Pedro…

… Amanda joins the family for holiday dinner as she, Will, and Angie all approach old age…

… Will and Angie become empty nesters, but the spark never died. They dance in the living room with the fireplace crackling, enjoying their retirement…

 “Angela Polaski,” Will firmly announces, loudly enough to get everyone’s attention. “I have to place you under arrest for tampering with evidence, making false statements, and violation of the oath of office in the death of Leonard Broussard.” Angie begins to cry. “I thought you might choose me,” she replies. Captain Heller (Todd Allen Durkin) tries to comfort Angie, saying they will make her arrest as painless as possible. Franklin is furious with Will. “WHAT DID YOU JUST DO?” He keeps yelling at Will, who ignores him, walks back to the elevator, and leaves work.


Amanda Wagner bangs on Will Trent’s front door. Nico answers, telling Amanda that Will left. He packed a duffel bag and took Betty with him. He told Nico that they could stay in the main house while he’s gone, leaving enough cash to cover utilities for a long time. Amanda sits at the new dining table and has a breakdown.

What comes next? We will have to wait for Season 3 to find out. Will Trent returns in early 2025 on ABC.

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Alex Reif
Alex joined the Laughing Place team in 2014 and has been a lifelong Disney fan. His main beats for LP are Disney-branded movies, TV shows, books, music and toys. He recently became a member of the Television Critics Association (TCA).