Walt Disney World Weather Report for May 5 from @WDW_Weather

First things first, happy 5th of May and if you don’t know what that means then you are too young to know what that means anyway.  That said, if you are celebrating today anywhere in Walt Disney World (my personal preference would be the Mexico tequila bar) have a toast for me!

The very weak front passed through yesterday and when you step outside today you are going to notice it since the humidity levels have gone down and as I write this dew points are in the low 50s so it will FEEL better out there today.  Don’t get used to it though, what’s left of that boundary is going to creep back to our north and it will be like this never happened.

Expect high temperatures today to be somewhere in the low 80s, but there will be plenty of sunshine to go around. Temperatures creep up through the weekend to once again flirting with 90 by the time Sunday rolls around.  (Kind of amusing that there was a frost advisory for portions of Tennessee this morning isn’t it?)

A slight disturbance brings a chance for thunderstorms in the afternoon tomorrow thanks to the additional instability so expect that during your day tomorrow.  In fact a strong storm can’t be ruled out but we’ll talk more about that tomorrow morning.  The weekend does look to be dry and that pattern will continue into next week.  Once again I say it’s only a matter of time before the rainy season decides to get here so enjoy these rain free afternoons while you can!

For those still interested about the space shuttle launch (and I did get your messages via Twitter yesterday) – the earliest you’ll see it launch will be May 10th and that has nothing to do with the weather. 

As I see new information about the technical problems I will update it here but remember that Laughing Place does not post weather updates on the weekend so check my @WDW_Weather Twitter account for any last minute weather/shuttle updates!