Disneyland Weather Report for the February 3rd Weekend from @WDW_Weather

Is anyone looking for a roommate :-)?  Honestly I can’t complain about the weather where I am writing this from today, but my word it is gorgeous in Southern California and that will continue right through the weekend into next week!  

Highs in the low to mid 70s will be the rule through Sunday with a slight cool down early on Monday.  But for the most part expect plenty of sunshine throughout the weekend, with some afternoon clouds a possibility.  Low temperatures don’t even look to get below 50 until Monday morning.  That said, if you are visiting Disneyland and have never been there – with the dry conditions – as soon as the sun goes down it gets cool (cold) quick so always have a jacket handy if you aren’t used to it.

Have a great weekend and if you are traveling this weekend and need a more specific forecast I’ll be happy to help just tweet me @WDW_Weather.