Walt Disney World Weather Report for April 17 from @WDW_Weather

Wow a big round of applause for anyone reading this that happened to run the Boston Marathon as Mother Nature turned on all 4 burners of the oven!  My parents live in Connecticut and dad was quick to tell me that Hartford hit 92 yesterday, which is incredible to me this early in the year.

So, the heat is on and will continue throughout the week.  Believe it or not temperatures are just a couple of degrees above where they should be this time of year, but with that southerly flow those dew points will start coming up to make it feel a bit warmer.  Tomorrow looks to be even warmer than today and as we continue to raise those temperatures we will begin to talk about the chance for afternoon thundershowers being possible.

I hate to sound like a broken record from yesterday but lows won’t be all that low and will bottom out somewhere in the mid 60s and you’ll likely be snug in your bed by the time that happens.

You might be thinking you too can now predict the weather by basing all of your forecasts on the next three days but not so fast my friend – changes ARE on the horizon but now that you thought that I’m not going to tell you when … you’ll have to wait until tomorrow J!  For now – enjoy the sunshine and warmth!

Oh and don’t forget it’s tax day :-)!