Disneyland Weather Report for April 24 from @WDW_Weather

The day starts off with quite a bit of cloud cover but it looks like we’ll catch a few peeks of sunshine by the time we get to the afternoon.  That said, don’t expect temperatures to get too far out of the 70s and then here we go again.  Clouds roll in overnight and then the rain comes.

If you are lucky you will make it through the Wednesday commute unscathed but it looks like the afternoon drive home could be a nightmare as rain looks to move in somewhere around noon right now.  Predicting exact rainfall in Southern California is tough but with a passing thunderstorm possible some areas could see some serious rain.

Showers look to continue into Thursday morning with gradual clearing during the afternoon.

Highs once again will be around 70 tomorrow with an even cooler high on Thursday as highs struggle to get much past the mid 60s.  It looks like conditions improve for Friday into the weekend – so there’s your good news.