"Resurrection" Show Runners Discuss the Future of the Show

When we reviewed ABC’s Resurrection, we posed questions about where the show was headed. The Hollywood Reporter met with showrunners Michele Fazekas and Tara Butters to discuss the future of the show. Interestingly, they are also set to be showrunners on Marvel’s Agent Carter, if it gets picked up as a series. Here is a part of the interview that answers some of the questions we posed:

Are you thinking of focusing on one member of “the returned” per episode? Is that going to be something that continues through all eight episodes? Will everyone be interconnected?

Fazekas: It’s not “the returned” of the week. That’s very formulaic to us. There will be more than two in the course of the eight episodes and — are they interconnected is a question we’ll be addressing. Sometimes they know each other, sometimes they don’t. There is a deeper connection between all of them that we learn about throughout the eight episodes. With each person that comes back, just when you think you know the answer, it’s something else. We do answer questions but the answers tend to pose more questions. Each returned that comes back is a slightly different story and it brings more elements to try and figure out what’s going on.

What about the town? Will everything focus on these people in Arcadia? That part feels very much like CBS’ Under the Dome — why is this happening in this specific Anytown, USA?

Butters: That is a question that comes up. The eight episodes span just under two weeks so it’s a very compressed timeline, much in the way that Lost was. But that is one of the central questions of the season. Eight episodes is a very short period of time so not all the questions can be answered but there are definitely questions that we answer.

Fazekas: At this point, we think it’s all [only happening] in the town.