Steven S. DeKnight Replaces Drew Goddard as Showrunner on Daredevil

Marvel has announced that past Joss Wheadon contributor Steven S. DeKnight is replacing Drew Goddard as show runner on their Daredevil Netflix series. This is due to Goddard’s commitments to the Sinister Six film being made at Sony as part of their Spider-Man Universe of films.

Marvel is proud to announce that acclaimed writer, director and producer Steven S. DeKnight (“Spartacus,” “Buffy: The Vampire Slayer,” “Angel”) has joined “Marvel’s Daredevil” as Executive Producer & Showrunner on the all-new 13-episode series premiering on Netflix in 2015. Drew Goddard, who also wrote the first two episodes, will continue to serve as Executive Producer on “Marvel”s Daredevil” as he writes and preps Sony’s “The Amazing Spider-Man” spin-off film, “The Sinister Six.”