ABC Picks Up Untitled Sarah Dunn Comedy

ABC has picked up an untitled comedy written by Sarah Dunn formerly known as The Second Fattest Housewife in Westport

Until recently, opinionated, confident, unapologetic, plump Katie Otto (Katy Mixon) has been the third fattest housewife in Westport, Connecticut. This is exactly where she wants to be. So when her chubbier neighbor moves away and she becomes the second fattest housewife, Katie becomes determined to regain her title.  On a mission, she tries to orchestrate a suitable buyer for her neighbor’s house.  But things don’t go according to her plans.

She lives in this wealthy neighborhood with her adoring and level headed husband, Jeff, who works in public television and their three less-than-perfect kids. The Ottos live in the only remaining split level house – complete with a single car garage – in a cul-de-sac filled with East Coast glamour mansions. Her Lululemon, green-juice loving neighbors with their fake boobs and perfect hair often give her backhanded compliments for being so “real.”

Their eldest daughter is 14 year-old Taylor who went through an awkward phase before emerging drop-dead gorgeous.  Katie is worried that her daughter will turn into the typical Westport female.

Meanwhile, 12 year-old Harrison is a mogul in training; a Republican saving his money to buy Apple stock and refusing to donate canned food for the school food drive… something Katie doesn’t approve of at all.

The youngest is sweet yet peculiar 5 year-old Anna-Kat, who is secretly Katie’s favorite.  She has multiple phobias, including a fear of germs, but needs to learn that, “Friends are more important than germs.”

As Katie navigates raising her flawed family in a wealthy town filled with “perfect” mommies and their “perfect” offspring she lets us in on her deepest, most unfiltered thoughts through voice-over in this comedy.