First Look at “Invincible Iron Man #10” Prepares Us for the Wedding of Tony Stark and Emma Frost

In “Invincible Iron Man (2022) #10″ by Gerry Duggan and Juan Frigeri, Anthony Edward Stark will take Emma Grace Frost's hand in marriage, but the road there is long and filled with danger. Marvel shared a first look the upcoming comic.

  • Following the devastating events of the third annual Hellfire Gala, mutantkind is now almost universally hated and feared across the globe.
  • Although Emma Frost went underground alongside the rest of the X-Men, she has continued to operate in public as Hazel Kendall, Stark's assistant, after he helped her in the wake of Orchis' attack. Now, one thing has led to another, and… well…
  • A special first look at “Invincible Iron Man (2022) #10″ offers a glimpse at a few critical moments leading up to the Stark/Frost nuptials.
  • In one page, Stark stands defensively in front of Frost as he points up at Wilson "Kingpin" Fisk, the Hellfire Club's new White King. Much to Stark's dismay, Frost-as-Hazel zeroes in on Feilong, one of the orchestrators behind Orchis' attack on Krakoa, and prepares to remove her X-gene-dampening ring in another page. Then, Stark dons his new stealth armor to infiltrate a facility guarded by heavily armed drones.
  • Is this wedding over before it even begins? Find out in “Invincible Iron Man #10,” on sale September 27.

Mike Mack
Mack is the Editorial Director for Marvel and ESPN content and he has covered comic cons, theme park events, video game showcases and other fun events. He is a fan of theme parks, sports, movies, Marvel Comics and is a self-proclaimed "nerd."