Meet Mia from Marvel’s Upcoming Comic Series “G.O.D.S.”

As Marvel continues to introduce new characters from their upcoming comic series “G.O.D.S.,” the next one up is Mia the magic girl.

  • The highly-anticipated series will introduce fans to an exciting new cast of characters, some of which readers have already met this summer in special bonus pages in select titles. From powerful mystics to daring scientists to chaos bringers, these characters exist outside the fight between good and evil and devote their time to upholding the very building blocks of creation. They may be new to readers but they’ve been scheming and clashing with each other for eons and are privy to startling truths your favorite heroes and villains wish they knew! This week, some of the major players of G.O.D.S. will be spotlighted in special teasers and concept art.
  • Despite her bubbly and upbeat personality, Mia never quite felt like she belonged—but all that will change when she gets pulled into the quiet conflict between The-Powers-That-Be and The-Natural-Order-of-Things.
  • Although her magical predisposition better suits The-Powers-That-Be, The-Natural-Order-of-Things has taken a keen interest in her. Regardless of what side of this delicate truce she falls on, one thing is abundantly clear: she's destined to lead an extraordinary life.
  • Prepare to meet Mia the Magic Girl in “G.O.D.S. #2″ by writer Jonathan Hickman and artist Valerio Schiti, on sale November 8 and check out new concept art and teaser images below:

  • Stay tuned for more G.O.D.S. character spotlights throughout the week.
  • Last week, Hickman, Schiti, Marvel Comics Editor-in-Chief C.B. Cebulski, and Marvel Comics VP Executive Editor Tom Brevoort revealed startling details about “G.O.D.S.”

What they’re saying:

  • Writer Jonathan Hickman: "Mia DiMaria is us. She is someone who is curious and inquisitive and trapped by the mundane nature of everyday life. She's given the opportunity to go on an amazing adventure and to be exposed to amazing worlds.The only problem is that she has to do it under the guidance of people who consider themselves more knowledgeable and who understand the world better, and they're always constantly trying to explain that world to us. She'll learn that you can't always trust those people; she'll learn that you need those people because that's how the world works. But she's innocent, and the world hates that and she's going to hang on to it as hard as she can.”
  • Artist Valerio Schiti: "Finally, a normal, happy girl! She seems so full of life, with those colored dresses, that big red raincoat… Red. Again. Like Wyn’s coat. Does it mean something? Maybe she chose this color for some reason, at an unconscious level. Maybe she’s more than a normal, happy girl. She’s too curious for sure, and she could trust the wrong people. People that know her true potential. Let’s hope for the best, because she seems to be so nice."
Mike Mack
Mack is the Editorial Director for Marvel and ESPN content and he has covered comic cons, theme park events, video game showcases and other fun events. He is a fan of theme parks, sports, movies, Marvel Comics and is a self-proclaimed "nerd."