Larry O’Brien Trophy Takes Trip Around-The-World Tour At EPCOT

The Larry O’Brien Trophy made a pit stop at EPCOT on its way to the NBA Finals.

What’s Happening:

  • ESPN recently shared their trip around the world…showcase.
  • As the Larry O’Brien trophy tours around the country on its way to the NBA playoffs, it made a pit stop at EPCOT.
  • ESPN’s Christine Williamson got the chance to spend the day with a trophy (You think it meets the height requirements?) all the way around EPCOT.

  • This appearance continues its journey to the NBA Finals, beginning June 6th on ABC.

More ESPN News:

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Marshal Knight
Marshal Knight is a pop culture writer based in Orlando, FL. For some inexplicable reason, his most recent birthday party was themed to daytime television. He’d like to thank Sandra Oh.