For no real reason other than that the fans demand more Kiff, we’re getting a new special standalone episode of the hit Disney Channel series to celebrate National Squirrel Appreciation Day with “Kiff: Lore of the Ring Light.”
The new special, set to air on January 21st at 8:00 PM on Disney Channel, is a very obvious parody of the classic movies based on the Tolkien Lord of the Rings novels. The new episode stays hilariously true to the original source material and injects all the Kiff fun and style of humor we’ve come to expect.
Case in point, the mythic prize in this story is not that of a ring, but a ring LIGHT, an accessory that will bring astonishing beauty, power, and followers to whatever influencer possesses it.
More astonishing is how the episode pulls both series regulars and one-episode characters into the story. Almost to a point where I was questioning – were these characters introduced into the series JUST for this special episode? I know that it can’t possibly be true, but the assignments in this special episode fit each persona so well.
As for the actual source material, which has its own universe so large that even its own fandoms have sub-fandoms and fan theories and everything that comes with an epic tale so vast – one does not need to have a deep knowledge of the original story to appreciate this new take.
If you didn’t know that this was a parody at all, the story would still work well. Though, a number of meta jokes and sight gags (Glarbin reading a book about parody law, for example) might feel a bit out of place.
This standalone episode of the series (meaning neither part of season one or the upcoming season two) plays more like an actual episode of the series. It comes complete with opening title billboard and running gag of a sponsor for the episode, which happens to be beard glue in this instance. This is different from the first of these two standalone specials, “The Haunting of Miss McGravy’s House,” which did not feature the standard opening, and played with environments and characters that we’ve not seen before but treated like we had (even if comedically). “Lore of the Ring Light” stays in the already well established Kiff universe, with familiar characters and the Table Town setting.
Each episode of the series also features an original song, and this one is no different. “Show Them The Light” features Kiff singing while she herself holds the powerful Ring Light, and will surely find an audience with a younger sect who dreams of gaining followers on the socials of their choice. For me however, it wasn’t the highlight of the episode as some songs in the series tend to be. You can also stream the song now on most major platforms.
Playing with what we already know and putting the parody spin on everything, masterfully tying existing characters from the source material into the Kiff world, “Lore of the Ring Light” is a master class in a successful caricature of a well established story. I give the episode 4.5 out of 5 hashtag shaped thrones.
You can catch “Kiff: Lore of the Ring Light” on January 21st on Disney Channel and DisneyXD, as part of their celebration of National Squirrel Appreciation Day, which also includes a Kiff marathon. Fans will also be able to watch the special on Disney Channel’s YouTube page. The special will arrive on Disney+ the next day.