Disney+ Signs French Landmark Deal in Return for Reduced Media Window

Under this three-year agreement Disney+ will invest in local cinema by acquiring, pre-purchasing, and financing a minimum of 70 films, thereby supporting a variety of genres and budget ranges.

Disney+ has signed a landmark agreement to allocate 25% of its annual revenue earned in France towards the funding of French and European television series and films. In exchange for this investment, the streaming service will access newly released films just nine months after their theatrical debut, down from the previous 17-month delay.

What’s Happening:

  • Disney+ has made a major deal to dedicate 25% of its annual revenue from France to the production of French and European series and films.
  • According to Variety, in return for this investment, the streaming platform will be able to access newly released films just nine months after their theatrical release, a significant decrease from the previous 17-month wait.
  • In contrast, Netflix, the leading streaming service in France by subscribers, has a 15-month window, while Apple TV+, which recently committed 20% of its revenue to local and European productions, operates with a 17-month window.
  • Under a three-year agreement, Disney+ will invest in local films by acquiring, pre-purchasing, and financing at least 70 movies, promoting diverse genres and budgets.
  • The lengthy agreement follows challenging negotiations with the local industry, particularly after Disney chose not to release Strange World theatrically in 2022, raising concerns among French exhibitors and prompting renewed talks.
  • A Disney representative criticized French regulations as "cumbersome" and "anti-consumer," claiming they overlook changes in consumer behavior and heighten piracy risks.
  • Disney, like other streaming platforms, has sought changes to France's strict windowing regulations, which have kept Netflix from the Cannes Film Festival due to a requirement for theatrical releases.
  • However, key stakeholders, particularly pay TV network Canal+, oppose these changes to protect their investment in domestic films and maintain their exclusive access to new content for six months.
  • This important agreement with Disney aligns with the U.S. studio becoming France's top distributor in 2024, showcasing major releases like Inside Out 2 and Moana 2.

What They’re Saying:

  • Hélène Etzi, chairman of The Walt Disney Company France: “This agreement marks an important step for French cinema-goers. Making films accessible to as many people as possible, first in cinemas, then much more rapidly on the Disney+ platform, is an essential first step in meeting the needs of French audiences. This agreement testifies to Disney’s unwavering commitment to the public and its desire to continue working with French talent and producers in the film and audiovisual sectors.”

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Tricia Kennedy
As a huge Disney fan Tricia enjoys having Walt Disney World basically in her backyard. When she's not at the theme parks she is either playing drums or with her dog Yoda. She is a lifelong Star Wars fan and has ridden Star Tours over 270 times.