Comic Review – The Rod of Ages Is Unearthed in “Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures – Echoes of Fear” #4

Jedi travel back to Varovia in search of the ancient relic.

Yesterday saw the release of the fourth and final issue in Dark Horse Comics’ Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures – Echoes of Fear miniseries, and below are my brief recap and thoughts on this climactic installment.

The High Republic Adventures – Echoes of Fear #4 begins with Jedi Knight Reath Silas and Padawan Amadeo Azzazzo on their way to the planet Varovia along with former Jedi Master Cohmac Vitus. When they arrive, they are greeted by surprisingly friendly members of the Varovian species, considering what happened between the warring nations and the Jedi the last time members of the Order visited. Our three protagonists manage to convince a leader named Ambassador Kaarok to let them literally dig up the past by returning to the site that was once home to the temple holding the Rod of Ages, but when they get there they find that the temple has been decimated to the point of being indistinguishable from the terrain surrounding it.

Fortunately Reath stumbles upon a series of underground tunnels– and here is where we get my favorite two-page, intricately detailed spread of an illustration in this whole issue– that run underneath the foundation of the old temple. The three Force-sensitive men spend hours upon hours exploring these dusty, ancient corridors built by the species known as the Tolemites, eventually coming up against primitive but still-operating security systems that resemble living suits of stone armor and flying drone-like droids. Our heroes must also pass a series of tests in order to gain access to each successive chamber, culminating in Reath facing his own shattered reflection and rejecting potential future paths as having been preordained. At long last, well into the next day, the trio come upon the Rod of Ages held aloft by an old abandoned droid in a room filled with serpentine eel-like creatures that generate electricity as their own defense mechanism.

Reath overcomes this challenge as well, allowing him to claim the rod, even “rescuing” the persnickety droid’s head along the way. Now, armed with the weapon they need to confront the Nihil and neutralize Marchion Ro’s link with the Nameless creatures, the three adventurers head back toward Coruscant with newfound confidence in the battle against darkness. I definitely enjoyed this miniseries overall, though this final issue had some dialogue that I found to be alternately repetitive and contradictory, almost as though writer George Mann ended up with a few more pages, panels, and word balloons to fill than he thought he would have. Otherwise I’d say this is really strong stuff, and illustrator Vincenzo Federici (along with colorists Francesco Segala and Gloria Martinelli) delivers some very moody, atmospheric art that draws the reader into this world and its underground mysteries. I’m looking forward to seeing what happens with the Rod of Ages next, as I’m certain after all this buildup it must be set to play a significant role in The High Republic’s upcoming conclusion.

Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures – Echoes of Fear #4 is available now wherever comic books are sold.

Mike Celestino
Mike serves as Laughing Place's lead Southern California reporter, Editorial Director for Star Wars content, and host of the weekly "Who's the Bossk?" Star Wars podcast. He's been fascinated by Disney theme parks and storytelling in general all his life and resides in Burbank, California with his beloved wife and cats.