Learn Some Facts About “Disney’s Adventures of the Gummi Bears” in the Latest Episode of “Disney+ Deets”

The latest episode of Disney+ Deets goes over some details from the series, Disney’s Adventures of the Gummi Bears. Let’s go over some of them below.

Kenneth Brown and Marcellus Kidd, the biggest Disney fans out there (toot-toot!), give us the deets.

  • Disney’s Adventures of the Gummi Bears was the very first Disney animated TV series, which debuted in 1985. They didn’t even have a TV animated division at the time.
  • Disney CEO Michael Eisner’s kids had tried a new candy at summer camp called Gummi Bears and he challenged the team to make a show based on the candy.
  • The Gummi Bears were loosely based on the Seven Dwarfs from Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
  • Animators would use around 20,000 drawings per episode, where typical animated shows back then would use around 12,000.
  • American teams designed all the characters and storyboards, then shipping off the details to Japanese animators who would finish the animations.
  • More deets are given in the video by Kenneth and Marcellus, which you can watch above.

Disney’s Adventures of the Gummi Bears is now streaming on Disney+.

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