ESPN+ Releases Trailer for “Man in the Arena: Tom Brady”

ESPN+ has released the trailer and premiere month for the upcoming series Man in the Arena: Tom Brady, coming exclusively to ESPN+ this November.

What’s Happening:

  • ESPN+ released a video message from Tom Brady and a trailer with the premiere month for the upcoming series Man in the Arena: Tom Brady, which is coming exclusively to ESPN+ this November.

Man in the Arena: Tom Brady

  • “After 21 seasons in the NFL, Tom Brady will share a personal first-hand account of his ten Super Bowl appearances. In a groundbreaking new series coming to ESPN+, Tom deconstructs the milestones of his legendary career, mining the psychological and emotional terrain of each victory and defeat. Each episode focuses on a single Super Bowl appearance and centers not just on the pivotal moments, but everything that leads to them, illustrating the series of small steps that seem insignificant at the time, but when reflected upon, show the distance traveled.”

You can catch Man in the Arena: Tom Brady when it premieres on ESPN+ this November.

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