Photos/Videos: Disneyland After Dark: Star Wars Nite – Entertainment and Atmosphere

We conclude our coverage of last night’s Disneyland After Dark: Star Wars Nite event with a look at some of the fun entertainment offerings that could be found throughout the night.

Star Wars: Celebrate the Nite Fireworks Show

  • The same show from previous year’s Star Wars Nites has returned with a twist. There’s an all new segment at the beginning featuring the excellent score from The Mandalorian.

Lightsaber Masters

  • Become one with the force and learn how to master the art of wielding a lightsaber at a special stage set up in front of “it’s a small world.”

The Cantina Band Perform on the Rivers of America

  • Figrin D’an and the Modal Nodes, better known as the Cantina Band, performed aboard one of the Rafts to Tom Sawyer Island, with quite a few issues, such as the audio unexpectedly turning off.

March of the First Order

  • The March of the First Order returns as Captain Phasma and a battalion of First Order stormtroopers march through Tomorrowland.

Lightsaber Meet-Up at Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge

  • Star Wars fans traveled to the distant planet of Batuu to pose for an incredible photo, with the help of Rey herself!

Costume Showcase on Main Street U.S.A.:

  • Guests in their finest galactic costumes were invited to follow behind Mickey and Minnie in a cavalcade down Main Street U.S.A.

Video from DAPS MAGIC

Projections on Main Street U.S.A. and “it’s a small world”

  • Starfields, asteroids and more were projected on the buildings of Main Street U.S.A., the facade of “it’s a small world,” and even the Matterhorn, throughout the event.

  • Some of the event’s music choices were interesting, with “We Don’t Talk About Bruno” from Encanto blasting on Main Street as opposed to the more obvious choice of Star Wars music.

  • Follow our Star Wars Nite tag for more from last night’s Disneyland After Dark event!
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