How Your Wish Helped Disney Donate $30,000 to Give Kids the World

Disney is so much more than theme parks and movies. They love to give back to the community and help those in need. If you are looking for an organization to get involved with in the central Florida area, Give Kids the World is something you need to look into. They give completely free vacations to critically ill children and their families. Recently, Disney donated a large amount of money because of guests to help this organization and families, according to Disney Parks Blog.

What's Happening:

  • Everyday, guests will toss coins into Cinderella’s Wishing Well or many of the other fountains and water ways across Walt Disney World Resort to make a wish.
  • These coins are collected and donated, and because of your wish, they were able to donate $30,000 to Give Kids the World Village.
  • You can see the video below that wdw.ambassador shared on their Instagram.

  • Give Kids the World was established in 1986 and plays a large role in granting wishes for children to visit the Walt Disney World Resort.
  • It gives them a chance to get a break from hospital visits and medical procedures and just enjoy time together as a family.
  • "We’ve had an amazing relationship with Walt Disney World Resort for more than 35 years, and this donation on top of the recent $500,000 grant will help us to continue making dreams come true for our very special wish families who visit the Village," said Pam Landwirth, President and CEO – Give Kids The World Village.
  • After kicking off The World’s Most Magical Celebration, Disney gave $3 million in grants to six local nonprofit organizations, including Give Kids the World.
  • This helps cast members continue to serve the community through their participation in the 50 for 50 Disney VoluntEARS Challenge.
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