Chip makes breakfast for all his friends before he becomes the first victim in one of the more hilarious sequences in recent Disney TV Animation in the latest episode of StuGo.
Breakfast at Chippany’s
Everyday it seems the kids have to eat a special sludge made through a formula provided by Dr. Lullah. This keeps them with their proper nutrients and fed, etc. but it's still a gross sludge. Chip is at a breaking point, and since he is a self-proclaimed foodie, he vows to make a breakfast that will knock everybody’s socks off.
He sets out to explore the island to find all the natural sources of food he can, whether it be eggs from a bird, milk from a hippo, or more.
While scouring, he discovers a mutant who has some delicious mushrooms. He asks the mutant where he got them but gets no answer, and instead heads in the direction in which the mutant came from and discovers a full mutant marketplace. There, Chip meets Rianne, a farmer’s daughter who has an abundance of delicious mushrooms. She and her dad have the best mushrooms around, but Rianne (a fellow foodie) shares that there are even better ones in the forest. Too bad nobody is allowed to go there because of an urban legend.
Chip is offered some of the mushrooms that Rianne and her dad have, and in lieu of clumps of hair for payment, Rianne offers them to Chip in exchange for his company every now and then to talk food.
Chip heads back to the boat that they all stay in and whips up a delicious omelette – one that the fellow kids think is just fine. That won’t do. This meal needs to blow their socks off. He needs to go get those better mushrooms with Rianne. She was the only other person who knows that mushrooms that eat delicious things are, in fact, better tasting. So she knows what she is talking about.
He heads back to the market and he and Rianne head out into the forest. They eventually find a cave and it’s clearly the source of the most delicious mushrooms. Chip grabs a few and attempts to leave the cave while Rianne stays behind to get more and discovers that the mushrooms shrivel up and dry out as he leaves. He needs them to be fresh. Leaving Rianne behind, he runs back to get the rest of the gang and bring them to the cave, where he’ll make their amazing meal fresh.
They all get back to the cave and after their trek, are extremely tired. After all, they haven’t eaten much since Chip has continually slapped their meals out of their hands, except for Merian, who has created a sludge drinking helmet that she has been wearing to work on her mini-figures…that aren’t great. She also is proving that she can do more productive things than wasting her time on foodie nonsense – and got dressed for the next three months.
There doesn’t seem to be any sign of Rianne, but maybe she just is off taking a nap somewhere. Chip whips up his amazing omelette (with fresh mushrooms) and when the kids try to stand up to get some of it, they discover that they cannot move. The fungus of the cave is starting to digest them slowly. Chip realizes this is some trouble and it's even worse, because Rianne has also become a victim of the fungi, and is now their host explaining that Chip’s friends are delicious.
Chip wanted to make his friends the perfect meal, not make THEM the perfect meal. This level of wordplay signals to Merian that something is wrong. She’s perfectly okay. Why? She’s been drinking that tasteless, awful sludge. That’s it! They have to feed everyone the sludge.
Chip is still very much against feeding his friends that sludge and instead believes in himself and finishes making the meal. When he feeds his finished product to Larry, it’s clear that the meal is delicious as the mushroom host seems to be enjoying it as well… but the meal is too good. It has indeed blown Larry’s socks off which fire like bullets across the cave and sever the connections between the host and his friends.
Chip continues to feed Pliny, Francis, and Sarah and their socks too launch like missiles across the cave. That’s not enough though. They need more socks. All eyes are now on Merian, who is wearing three months worth of socks, but her taste buds have atrophied from all the sludge. There’s no way that Chip’s food is that good that can get through—- oh wait it totally can.
Merian is entranced by the food, and Chip picks her up and starts firing her socks like a missile launcher across the cave saving everyone and freeing Rianne – a pig mutant who then kisses Chip, embarrassing him. Will we see more of these two together in the future?
Larry has found an egg and has spent the last week just sitting with it. Fortunately, it is hatching and it’s a baby lizard that he immediately falls in love with and wants to be his pet on the island. He names the creature “Elizardbeth” and takes her on a tour of the island.
While bonding and imprinting, Larry learns a little bit about life’s natural cycles as a giant Night Heron swoops in and tries to take her away. Now, Larry vows to protect her to the best of his ability and what follows is a borderline horror film as Larry and Elizardbeth try to evade the night heron, who is basically hunting them across the island.
Larry comes back to the boat with his lizard and they build Elizardbeth a safe terrarium, but the night heron is right outside watching their every move.
At its first chance, the heron is actually able to get a firm grip on Chip near the doorway, pulling him down through the door while the others escape with the lizard and head to Lullah’s lab in a terrified rush. It was too late for Chip, so yes, they left him behind.
At Lullah’s lab, Pliny and the girls used the equipment to build a labyrinth they dubbed the Night Heron Attack Seclusion Terrarium Enclosure…or the N.H.A.S.T.E. What’s inside? A number of different rooms that are fully explained as though we’re about to see them. Since Larry feels bad that he just can’t get in there with ease to see his pet lizard, I think we totally are about to see them. Even scarier, outside the heron is just watching all this happen. Inside the N.H.A.S.T.E., there is a maze, followed by a room that contains the fiercest feline predator on the island, then a random question generator, and finally the room housing Elizardbeth in a terrarium high on a pedestal above a floor that can suck all the air out of the room, thus making it impossible for a bird to fly to Elizardbeth.
While the girls embark on bird patrol, Larry sneaks into the N.H.A.S.T.E. so he can see and play with his pet. Outside the lab though, there is a knock on the door. It’s Chip!
Merian stops Pliny from opening the door, as they can clearly see a terrified Chip. Something is wrong. Sure enough, the Heron is hiding perfectly, digging its claws into Chip’s back as he begs his friends to open the door.
Inside the N.H.A.S.T.E. Larry finds himself running into the glass walls of the first maze, before getting into the room with the feline predator, who happens to be Sara in a panther suit doing some kind of performance exercise.
Outside, Chip is now holding up fresh eggs to bribe his friends to let him in. Once they open the door, he quickly apologizes and the bird reveals itself and flies toward the N.H.A.S.T.E.
Inside, Larry gets to the random question generator and is asked why the sky is blue. Fortunately, he knows the answer, and he is allowed access to Elizardbeth. He climbs up and greets his friend, but we also see that the Heron is making its way through the N.H.A.S.T.E. as well, getting past the maze and Sara with ease. The random question generator could have proven a bit more challenging had it not been for the question given – “What does the bird say?”
This gets the heron to Larry and Elizardbeth shortly after they are reunited.
Outside though, the gang hits the no air button, but it’s all for not considering Larry has trapped the heron in the terrarium and they are now getting pulled through the vents and launched via a pipeline outside to the beach.
The Heron eventually makes it out there itself, and with Larry and Elizardbeth unprotected on the beach, the bird succeeds in stealing the lizard. Larry gives chase and discovers that this whole time, the heron was trying to bring the lizard back to its family and live amongst this colony of birds and lizards.
Oh, so the heron was trying to protect Elizardbeth too. Even Larry says that the gang will laugh about this one before we get a last glimpse at the hilarious chaos and destruction that this whole venture caused.
This episode of StuGo is now available on Disney Channel and the DisneyNOW website. It will also be available on Disney+ later this spring.