The Los Feliz Neighborhood City Council is set to dedicate the location of the original Disney Bros. Cartoon Studio as Disney Bros. Cartoon Studio Square later this month, and D23 is inviting members to come join the fun during the city’s neighborhood block party marking the occasion.
What’s Happening:
- In 1923, with little more than suitcases and dreams, the Disney Bros. (Walt and Roy) arrived in Los Angeles and founded the Disney Bros. Cartoon Studio in the back of a tiny real estate office.
- That was over 100 years ago, and later this month D23: The Official Disney Fan Club plans to celebrate during the dedication of Disney Bros. Cartoon Studio Square in Los Feliz, California at that very location.
- The event is set to take place on September 15th, 2024, kicking off at noon that day and lasting throughout the afternoon, at the corners of Kingswell and Vermont Avenues, in Los Feliz.
- While the actual location of the studio, which sat at 4651 Kingswell Ave in the rear of a real estate office, is occupied (as of press time) by a combination skate shop/tattoo parlor, the celebration will take place in the nearby area of Kingswell and Vermont avenues as the entire community is invited to neighborhood block party, full of activities, special screenings, and photo opportunities.
- At 2:00 PM, a dedication ceremony will be held with the Los Feliz Neighborhood City Council along with some special guests as the area in front of the original studios is dedicated officially as the Disney Bros. Cartoon Studio Square.
- D23: The Official Disney Fan Club will be present for the festivities from 12:00 PM until 5:00 PM with their own booth during the block party, and D23 Gold Members are invited to show off their membership card for some special surprises – while supplies last.
- To restate, this is the original location of the Disney Bros. Studio in Los Feliz at Kingswell Ave, after Walt and Roy left their uncle’s garage (which is actually just down the street.) Eventually, their office left the back of that tiny real estate office and moved next door to 4649 Kingswell Ave, which is (as of press time) currently occupied by a copy shop. In 1926, the studio moved to the more widely known Hyperion studio at 2719 Hyperion Ave, on land which is currently occupied by a Gelson's. The success of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs led to Disney buying land on Buena Vista Street in Burbank for a new studio – the main studio lot and company headquarters to this day.
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