The Second “StuGo” Episode Introduces an Outlandish Babysitter and Dangerous Fishing Techniques

I already need more of the Nannytee.

The strange sci-fi world of StuGo expands in the second episode, bringing a hilarious concept and exaggerated real-world hobbies to life in the latest chapter.

The Nannytee

The kids have spent a large part of the morning hauling a giant crate up to Dr. Lullah’s lab, where she is excitedly ready to open it. She doesn’t necessarily want them there for the big reveal, but these are overachieving students we’re talking about here who definitely won’t take no for an answer.

After all, they woke up early and lugged the crate up, why can’t they just SEE what’s inside?! Lullah opens it up to reveal a Wave Hog (basically a jetski), and while the kids are super excited to see it, it’s most definitely not for them. It’s Lullah’s Wave Hog and she plans on entering it into competitions and an enthusiast magazine for recognition. So now, the kids must go away and to ensure that they do not come back to bother, she has genetically mutated a manatee and give it human intelligence and turned it into – The Nannytee.

This silent mutant babysitter has been trained to distract the kids with arts and crafts projects (and grading them!) and rewards them with stickers – which we all know the kids are obsessed with. While the kids are going nuts over a sticker that was awarded to Pliny, Lullah catches the Nannytee “Peeping the Hog” and staring at her new jet ski.

The gang is all outside under the supervision of the Nannytee (with Lullah occupied back in her lab) and the Nannytee is bribing the kids to ear more popsicles and faster to get the sticks needed for the arts and crafts. However, the kids are running short on popsicles. Francis, who seems disinterested in the stickers or the crafts is growing suspicious of the Nannytee and volunteers to go get more popsicles.

While Lullah is hating that she is being interrupted, she does listen to Francis’ concerns and tries to assuage her suspicions about the Nannytee. Throughout the rest of the afternoon, while Lullah is tricking out her Hog, Francine returns to share more about what the Nannytee is doing, especially since the crafts are getting very advanced and unconventional. Of course, just saying that the genetically modified manatee babysitter is rather unconventional on its own.  The stickers are getting more in-demand, and Sara has pulled Francine aside to share that the Nannytee is questioning her commitment to “the project.”

On her last return to Lullah, Francis is trying to get the attention of Lullah who is busy taking pictures for the magazine when it’s discovered that the Nannytee has had the kids craft a doomsday device, that is now pointed square at Lullah and Francis.

Sharing that every Manatee she genetically modifies does this, she quickly acts and puts her new Wave Hog to the test, with Francis aboard – after taking proper sun care precautions of course. The kids are all powering the device into overload, via a hamster wheel-esque contraption that quickly fails and traps the kids in their own pen to watch Lullah and Francis take on the Nannytee.

The machine features a cannon that perfectly fits the silhouette of Lullah’s new Wave Hog, prompting her to decide to reluctantly launch her new jet ski into the cannon. But it seems that is the plan. Apparently, this was all a huge ruse put on by the Nannytee as a form of revenge to steal the Wave Hog and head back into the ocean.

Noodle It

Mr. Ziegler is a teacher who applies pressure to Larry to be the absolute best he can be with his magic fingers on the Cello. As such, Mr. Ziegler is someone that Larry is not too particularly fond of, but still heeds his advice. Especially not to let any harm come to his fingers.

However, he is interested in what Pliny is doing in the ponds catching catfish. She is Noodling. What is Noodling? It’s when you stick your hands under the water and wiggle your fingers like a floating noodle and get the catfish to bite them. Once they do, you pull the fish out of the water, and you caught your fish.

Pliny is resistant to teach Larry, in the fear of becoming her own version of Mr. Ziegler, but suggests that Larry plays the lake like his own cello.

Immediately, Larry is able to noodle a fish and upon receiving praise for doing so, lifts his other hand to give a thumbs up and reveals the rare two-dle.

Mr. Okay is fishing nearby and points out the legendary 60 pounder that nobody on the island has been able to catch (or noodle) which immediately gives Larry (who now has the new moniker, “Linguine Larry”) the idea to do it. The fish, named “Cat Daddy,” is immediately wrangled by Larry, who gets pulled under the water before launching above the surface holding the giant fish.

Merian is nearby and being a bit of a “do not try this at home” warning, points out that this is dangerous and suggests they should stop. Larry has his sights set on bigger goals though – he wants to noodle the ocean. Heeding Merian’s advice, Pliny suggests striking to the tide pools, where the mutants are watching and cheering Larry on/enabling him to be more risky.

While noodling a sea cucumber, Larry pulls off another two-dle and noodles a walrus. Now though, he is surfacing, coming out of the water with scathed and swollen arms – but says it's his greatest day ever.

Mutants keep enabling and he decides to noodle the land, and tempts fate by trying to noodle a giant worm creature of legend in the nearby caves.

Pliny tries to stop him, but Larry insinuates that she sounds like Mr. Ziegler – her greatest fear at the moment. Outside of the cave, anticipation is building as a creature approaches – but it’s just Sarah, who apparently ended up in these caves by sinking into some quicksandy mud above.

The giant worm shows up and Larry noodles him, impressing the mutant crowd, who have now begun to treat Larry as a celebrity, complete with Meet & Greet and photo opportunities. Pliny finally cracks and tells Larry that he needs to stop, with Larry responding (yet again) by calling her a Mr. Ziegler.

Larry is now angry and is ready to noodle the unnoodle-able – OUTER SPACE. In doing so, he opens up a cosmic storm and alters the route of an asteroid, pulling the doomsday rock directly toward him on top of a hill. Pliny realizes that to stop him, she must noodle the noodler.

A noodling battle breaks out between the two, resulting in Pliny shoving her hand into Larry’s mouth to pull him away from the impending blast mere moments before his doom.

Of course, Larry has learned the error of his ways, and life goes on on the island.

This episode of StuGo is now available on Disney Channel and the DisneyNOW website. It will debut later this spring on Disney+.

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Tony Betti
Originally from California where he studied a dying artform (hand-drawn animation), Tony has spent most of his adult life in the theme parks of Orlando. When he’s not writing for LP, he’s usually watching and studying something animated or arguing about “the good ole’ days” at the parks.