The latest Marvel Legends fanstream from Hasbro Pulse has revealed a new wave of figures that come with mini-comic replicas, along with the debut of an entire new subline for Marvel Legends, the Maximum Series, which offer new, highly articulated figures and numerous accessories.
The first Maximum Series figure will be Spider-Man. This version of Spidey is sporting a very 1990s/Todd McFarlane-influenced look. The Hasbro team stressed this was an entirely new figure with all new body parts top to bottom and called him “The best Spider-Man we’ve ever done.” It offers 35 points of articulation, including new neck articulation and the ability to replicate “insane spider poses” better than ever.
The full list of accessories includes an alternate unmasked Peter Parker head; alternate Spidey-sense head with removable tingle effect; 2 hands in THWIP pose; 2 hands launching webs; 2 wall-crawling hands; 2 hands with revealed web-shooters; 2 web-slinging hands that can grip the 2 web lines over 9 inches; backpack; web shield that can peg on the figure’s arm; plus web snare and web blast effect complete with a hinged web display stand.
The Hasbro team said we’d be hearing about a couple more Maximum Series figures in 2025. Of course, a big question is how much the Maximum Series will cost versus a regular Marvel Legends figure. The price for the Spider-Man Maximum Series figure will be announced soon, before it goes up for Pre-Order on February 13 at 1PM ET.
Following Cyclops getting a new figure in his old school X-Factor costume, Jean Grey will be getting her costume from that era as well – though the figure just uses the “Jean Grey” labeling, she was actually going by the name Marvel Girl again at the time.
“We’re slowly building out that X-Factor team” said Hasbro’s Dan Yun, implying we’re likely to get the full team (which also includes Beast, Iceman and Angel) eventually. Jean will be released on a retro X-Men card and be a Target exclusive. She has alternate heads for the two different style masks she wore with this costume and a psychic power blast effect. Pre-Order will be announced soon and Jean will retail for $24.99.
As teased in December’s fanstream, when the Lizard figure was revealed, Spider-Man: No Way Home’s Electro is on the way as a deluxe figure, based upon Jamie Foxx’s second version of the classic Spidey villain. With Lizard and Electro announced, all the villains from No Way Home will now have Marvel Legends figures. The electricity-power “star” is permanently attached to his face though, even though it only appeared briefly in the film, which will no doubt be frustrating for many – almost certainly meaning they simply don’t have likeness rights for Jamie Foxx. Pre-Orders begin on January 30 at 1PM ET with Electro retailing for $34.99.
And then there’s the new Mini-Comic wave of figures. These six figures will come with a mini-issue of a comic book important to the character’s history, boasting new digital ink jet printing allowing for much better clarity on the small replicated covers – though only the covers are replicated, as these are plastic pieces that can’t be opened. The back of each mini-comic features the Marvel Legends logo.
Among the mini-comic wave is the long-awaited Marvel Legends debut of Rom, first announced back at San Diego Comic-Con. Rom getting a Marvel Legends branded figure is especially notable because he was a licensed toy character who appeared in Marvel Comics in the 1970s-1980s, but is owned by Hasbro itself, not by Marvel. Rom comes with a mini-comic of 1979’s Rom: Spaceknight #1.
There’s also Wolverine’s son, Daken, with a Dark Avengers #1 mini-comic.
A new Adam Warlock comes with a swapable Infinity Gauntlet hand and Infinity Gauntlet #1 mini-comic.
The Hasbro team noted that the new Ultimate Iron Man figure is the first time they’ve revisited this version of Iron Man since Hasbro first took over Marvel Legends back in 2006-2007. He comes with an Ultimate Iron Man #1 mini-comic.
There’s also a new Ultimate version of Miles Morales, based upon Miles’ first appearances as Spider-Man. He comes with a mini-comic, naturally, of Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man #1.
And lastly there’s a new classic costume Banshee accompanied by a mini-comic of Giant-Size X-Men #1 (Banshee didn’t make the cover, but he is in the issue!) A couple of years ago there was a Marvel Legends figure of the character in his X-Men yellow and blue team uniform, but similar to Ultimate Iron Man, this is the first Banshee with this particular look since the figure he got in the very earliest days of Hasbro’s Marvel Legends, nearly 20 years ago.
All six of the new mini-comic-accompanied Marvel Legends figures will go up for pre-order on February 6 at 1pm ET and each will retail for $24.99.
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